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Fuck Drunk Assholes


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So there's this guy whos a regular at my bar. Good guy, decent always looks out for others, etc... well he's a total functional alcholic and everyone knows it. He even tells people "if i get too drunk, take my keys because i cant get ANOTHER DUI".


FFWD tonight and sure enough, he gets too drunk. Me, my brother, his wife and some friends are there having a good time and he approaches me and says "if you dont give me my keys ... i dont want to have to kick your ass". Now Todd is a pretty stocky guy but he's wasted so im thinking, ok dont fight a guy who's clearly drunk. He's my friend and i know we'll both regret it ... and yes I do have his keys in my pocket. long story short this asshole punch's me in the chest b/c I wont give his keys to him. After that some words are exchanged and somehow my brother gets into it with some dude whos not even involved. They're clentched up like they're about to choke each other out and all for what? because some fucking alcoholic wanted to drive home. Damn me for helping him out right?


I swear sometimes I think it would just be easier to let people go about their lives without interruption but I dont know if i could live with myself if todd had hurt or killed someone last night bc he was too damn stubborn to call a cab. Fuck drunk assholes.

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Drop his keys in front of him and when he bends over to pick them up - catch his ass in the back of the neck with a bar stool. When he finally comes back around, tell him "Dude you hit your head hard on the bottom of the bar!"
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Drop his keys in front of him and when he bends over to pick them up - catch his ass in the back of the neck with a bar stool. When he finally comes back around, tell him "Dude you hit your head hard on the bottom of the bar!"



rofl. i have no tolerance for drunk assholes

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So there's this guy whos a regular at my bar. Good guy, decent always looks out for others, etc... well he's a total functional alcholic and everyone knows it. He even tells people "if i get too drunk, take my keys because i cant get ANOTHER DUI".


FFWD tonight and sure enough, he gets too drunk. Me, my brother, his wife and some friends are there having a good time and he approaches me and says "if you dont give me my keys ... i dont want to have to kick your ass". Now Todd is a pretty stocky guy but he's wasted so im thinking, ok dont fight a guy who's clearly drunk. He's my friend and i know we'll both regret it ... and yes I do have his keys in my pocket. long story short this asshole punch's me in the chest b/c I wont give his keys to him. After that some words are exchanged and somehow my brother gets into it with some dude whos not even involved. They're clentched up like they're about to choke each other out and all for what? because some fucking alcoholic wanted to drive home. Damn me for helping him out right?


I swear sometimes I think it would just be easier to let people go about their lives without interruption but I dont know if i could live with myself if todd had hurt or killed someone last night bc he was too damn stubborn to call a cab. Fuck drunk assholes.


you did the best you could for the guy in that situation, he'll be better off in the long run because of you.

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Why do people bother getting drunk if they behave like that? I was always a happy drunk. Why fight? I know my fighting ability takes a serious dive even though I can't feel shit. lol


On a slightly different topic:

I kinda think this law about overconsumption is shit. I don't think the bartender should be held liable because some idiot can't responsibly drink. You're 21 and over, you drink too much, you're the fuckin idiot who should be held responsible.

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My dad owned a bar in Newark for a while and state laws are rediculous for bar owners. They are can be held responsible for you until you arrive at home. If you leave the bar smashed and they dont call you a cab they are held accountable for your actions if you get in a wreck and such. Its a crock of shit but it is what it is.
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I as well hate drunk ass holes. It seems my confrontations always being over pool games. FUCKING POOL. People act like it is the Olympic finals of pool at every bar I have ever entered. I am there to have a good time and am laid back as you'll ever meet but serious shut the fuck up about how I don't play "like they do on that thurr tv".
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Friends fight friends when they are drunk.....friends don't let friends drive drunk...shit happens. Been there done that and have been on both ends of the punches at one point in my life.


Thanks for saving me or my kids lives.....you know I live close so that's the truth.


I vote for approaching the bar owner and love the comment about the wrong keys. :D

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My dad owned a bar in Newark for a while and state laws are rediculous for bar owners. They are can be held responsible for you until you arrive at home. If you leave the bar smashed and they dont call you a cab they are held accountable for your actions if you get in a wreck and such. Its a crock of shit but it is what it is.



i don't see anything wrong with this. you're selling people a substance that alters their judgement/reaction time/etc. etc. a substance that is directly linked to the majority of car wrecks with serious injuries. and you expect not to be held the least bit accountable??? i know, people should be responsible--but once they start drinking, they have no idea at what point they become greatly impaired--the bartender should be able to have a vague idea when someone's drunk, and provide them with a cab.

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Please expand on your reasoning.....I'm not sure I follow why you don't think they should be held liable? Especially in a situation where the establishment has direct financial incentive to encourage consumption.


Even the insurance that establishments pay is based on the type of business they run. Goes back to the old adage that "nothing good happens after midnight."


I had a college friend die in 1989 after drinking way too much in a bar on Rt 79 in Heath and wrecking his Mustang into a pole. He was found way over the legal and able limits to drive yet the bar continued to serve him until the very end when he left the bar.


He was wrong but the bar and their workers had the ability to cut him off yet didn't. IMO, they absolutely contributed to what happened.


Its a crock of shit but it is what it is.
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I should explain a bit. Todd is a strong guy but he was ABSOLUTLY wasted, so when I say he punched me in the chest it wasn't like I took it seriously or that I was hurt or anything.


I've worked in/around bar's for years and I somewhat agree with Tim. If your serving someone WAY over the legal limit, if their slurring speach, stumbling, and obviously intoxicated then they should be cut off. Ive cut people off before and instantly called a cab and yes they either get mad and want to bitch and scream or they concede and agree with you.


however I dont see how any establishment could be prosecuted. If a person has already went to several different bars then who's to say who did/didnt contribute to the ultimate outcome? Not to mention with wrongful death lawsuits if the establishments COULD always be held accountable the price of insurance alone would soar and even owning a bar wouldnt be possible.

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I should explain a bit. Todd is a strong guy but he was ABSOLUTLY wasted, so when I say he punched me in the chest it wasn't like I took it seriously or that I was hurt or anything.


I've worked in/around bar's for years and I somewhat agree with Tim. If your serving someone WAY over the legal limit, if their slurring speach, stumbling, and obviously intoxicated then they should be cut off. Ive cut people off before and instantly called a cab and yes they either get mad and want to bitch and scream or they concede and agree with you.


however I dont see how any establishment could be prosecuted. If a person has already went to several different bars then who's to say who did/didnt contribute to the ultimate outcome? Not to mention with wrongful death lawsuits if the establishments COULD always be held accountable the price of insurance alone would soar and even owning a bar wouldnt be possible.

One of the many reasons the law is ignorant. Here's another. It was pushed forward by people who would not accept the responsiblity of themselves and/or family, loved ones, or friends. So, they looked to someone/something else to place blame. This happens TOO FUCKING MUCH in this country because people can't accept repsonsibility for their own fucking actions.

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IMO they could all then qualify as having contributed, but at some point one of the establishments should have either refused serving him or not have served the driver at all. As with any lawsuit thought, there will always be grey areas to be debated in court should a case be put in motion.


however I dont see how any establishment could be prosecuted. If a person has already went to several different bars then who's to say who did/didnt contribute to the ultimate outcome? Not to mention with wrongful death lawsuits if the establishments COULD always be held accountable the price of insurance alone would soar and even owning a bar wouldnt be possible.

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while we are all ultimately making the decision to pick up the drink, there is a level of accountability to those putting the drinks in front of patrons too. especially patrons that have been drinking and then not able to fully comprehend the situation and make as wise of a choice as say a sober bartender.


we all know the guy 3-4 drinks under can't make as informed of a decision to stop drinking than the bar tender who is sober and watching the situation unfold one drink at a time over a specific time period. IMO, they should cut more people off sooner, but in many cases choose to continue serving folks or ignore the situation and thus are accountable to some degree.


this same debate could be said about credit card companies and college kids / their many other targets too. the cc. companies get what they deserve many times too.


This happens TOO FUCKING MUCH in this country because people can't accept repsonsibility for their own fucking actions.
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Echoing everyone else...you did the right thing by keeping another tossed drunk from getting behind the wheel; friend or not.


If it ever escalates, call 1-800-GRAB-DUI when he's leaving the bar. I dig that your trying to "protect" him from another DUI, but some people have to learn the hard way if they won't listen to friends that care for their well-being.

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My hats off to you Hotcarl you saved his lilfe and anyone else that would have been next to him on the road that night. Never let a drunk person drive!!!


Call 645-4545 CPD non emergency number faster than the 1-800-GRAB-DUI. If so maybe next time I can come get him I have some nice steel bracelets thats one size fits all!!!

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