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what headunit to pick???


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i dont really see the connection....so yea it kinda does sound stupid....theres posts all the time about people getting stuff stolen, so i said that its not smart to tell everyone what you have....


so youre saying that because i post on the internet, its not smart to show pictures of my car because people will want to run me off the road? :confused:


you said by posting my headunit that someone could break into my car and take it. someone could break in whether i post it on this site or not. i dont get your point in ruining this thread. he wanted input on headunits. go make a thread about theft preventing and i'll agree with you.

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Guest tbutera2112
yes they could take it either way...but if i leave $500 cash in my glovebox, the chances of it getting stolen go up dramatically if i go online and tell people i have cash in my glovebox *which i dont*....sorry to "ruin" the thread :gives: was tryin to help you out incase you hadnt thought about it and wanted to take your pictures down
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the same person who stole OneToEnvy's shit is probably monitoring this thread making a shopping list....not smart to advertise on the net what sound systems you have in your car...



you can steal mine if you want, it wont do you any good without the face plate, its registered with pioneer under my name and password, you try to get it without those and they wont sell you the face plate and they also call the police from what the lady told me on the phone

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Edited for quality :p




in the day i really liked clairon but, i don't know about thier new shit, i have been running alpine for the last 4 or years. i use to sell car audio for CCA on the east side, a lot of pioneer problem headunits.

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Guest tbutera2112
i was mainly talking about double dins without detachable faceplates, and i was jk about stealing your shit...hell i could barely unhook my own stereo when i wanted to take it out lol i even made a post about the wiring
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Like i said im not going to limit my self because people feel the need to steal. FUCK THEM and i really appriciate the input from everyone. I think im going to go with the double din. Lets face it if my shit is going to get stolen again it dosent matter what have its going to be gone no matter what..lol


I know pioneer has its ups and downs but i already stated that it was a pioneer and its on a police report.. so no going back now.


My biggest problem is that i was using the space under the single din for something else and now i will have to relocate it, but double dins are so sexy :)

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you can steal mine if you want, it wont do you any good without the face plate, its registered with pioneer under my name and password, you try to get it without those and they wont sell you the face plate and they also call the police from what the lady told me on the phone


I dont want yours and that type of service is sweet. I may look into that FTW

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Other than one bookshelf system my parents bought me when I was 14(Panasonic, biggest POS piece of electronics I ever owned), all of my audio equipment has been exclusively Pioneer. Never had a problem, saving the early 1980s stereo receiver my parents had that the tuner died on. After using it extensively for 15+ years...
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