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Deadliest Catch


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It's the same crap over and over again. They catch crab!?!!? How many more seasons of Deadliest Catch can they possibly have?

Shut your whore mouth! :p I'll say it's kinda the same, but different every season. Therefore Deadliest Catch is still the best reality show on. Ice road truckers #2 Axe Men #3 Black Gold #4. It's kinda funny blue collar jobs are getting a spot light for once.

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. It's kinda funny blue collar jobs are getting a spot light for once.


I do like that fact. They should create a show about electricians who work on high tention wires hanging from helicopters, well maybe one show.

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I do like that fact. They should create a show about electricians who work on high tention wires hanging from helicopters, well maybe one show.

That was on once on dirty jobs. Those guys have more huevos than I have.
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I'm not entirely sure, I may be confused. Mike Rowe does the voiceovers for deadliest catch, so I very well could be wrong...won't be the first time. I think they did it for "everythings tougher in alaska" or a show like that.
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Shut your whore mouth! :p I'll say it's kinda the same, but different every season. Therefore Deadliest Catch is still the best reality show on. Ice road truckers #2 Axe Men #3 Black Gold #4. It's kinda funny blue collar jobs are getting a spot light for once.


This made me lol.


"go back to your home on WHORE ISLAND"


back to topic. I miss not having cable :(

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I too love the show. I am actually trying to get a job on a boat(I know a guy who knows a guy). I realize it is an extremely dangerous job. As the guy I know, told me that 6 people died that he personally knew within the last 3 years. Therefore, he is trying to detour me away from wanting the job. Hell, I figure, use common sense and pay attention and with lots of luck I should be good. Nothing like making over 100k a season.



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Nothing like making over 100k a season.


i can think of a few things. for starters, being alive.


the show is definitely one of my favs. effing boats sinking, dudes going overboards and being rescued by other boats, empty survival suits floating on the water (damn), guys getting slammed by rogue waves, breaking ice 2 feet thick off of the boat, having pulmonary emobilisms while captaining the ship...(and that was just last season)


come on y'all, this show is the shit.


sometime i watch an exciting movie and i say to myself afterwards, "i wish i was james bond, or a race car driver, or a fighter pilot". after i watch this show im like "damn, im a pussy, cause theres no way im doing that shit."

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American Hot Rod was good for about 1 season, then it started to get really shitty. Especially after Charley Hutton, my favorite guy in the shop, went to go work for Chip Foose.


BTW Ice Road Truckers > Deadliest Catch, but I love both shows.

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