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Lots of Class III/IVs and a decent amount of Class Vs. I went in August, but my aunt and uncle live a few miles away.


nice. i've only been twice but both times the water was low...so i'd like to experience some of the more challenging rapids the river has to offer.

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You know I was being sarcastic when I told you to join if you wanted to read my posts.;)


Oh and everyone is welcome to leghump as much as they feel needed, I give you permision:D



I figured about the sarcasm part...but I thought about it and you are right, why should I need to look over your shoulder if I want to know what's going on? I'll just look myself. :)

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You know I was being sarcastic when I told you to join if you wanted to read my posts.;)


Oh and everyone is welcome to leghump as much as they feel needed, I give you permision:D


hahaha! screw you anthony! I haz permissions :leghump: :leghump: :leghump:

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You know it is real disapointing when your significant other takes all of your privileges away, first it's the time with your friends, before you know it your not allowed to whack it anymore, but I never thought my CR time would be invaded. This just seems like something I should have rights to or something. I feel like less of a man.:)
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You know it is real disapointing when your significant other takes all of your privileges away, first it's the time with your friends, before you know it your not allowed to whack it anymore, but I never thought my CR time would be invaded. This just seems like something I should have rights to or something. I feel like less of a man.:)


OKAY. :bs: and here's why: we have discussed the time with friends issue...it translates into your time-management issue. Secondly, nobody said aaanything about whacking it...acutally, I believe when I talked to you last you told me you were going to shower and I said, "Have FUN in the shower." and I meant it. Thirdly, its not like we share an account, and we don't even look at the same threads because half the stuff you look at I don't even understand! Oh, and btw YOU found ME, I didnt go searching for you. So there. ;)

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