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For anyone living on the NW side


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While doing laundry at my folks house late last night my eclipse was broken into by some punk kid.


Not being too specific my folks live off of Hard/Sawmill rd area and i was there REAL late (3am). My guess is it was some punk kid just walking around checking cars to see if they're unlocked or not. Mine was but that didnt stop him from pulling the window back and unlocking it, which i didnt even know was possible but he left finger prints all over the window.


Thankfully all the punk took was my ipod out of my glove box and like 5$ in cash out of my console. The reason i think its a kid is b/c if he wanted he could've taken my whole head unit (the face was still on) but he didnt. I fucking hate being the victim so my brother and I drove around until 5:30am trying to find this asshole. Just thought I would let everyone know.

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Oh and to add insult to injury. The motherfucker was smoking in my damn car! The moment i realized someone else was in my car is when i got in and it STANK like cigarette's and the little fucker ashed on my mets hat. shithead.


If your gonna steal my shit at least respect the area around my shit right?

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So I picked up this new iPod from a guy in the Kroger Parking lot......


That does suck man. Just keep an eye out as he may very well come back to finish the job.


Will the cops fingerprint the car and run the database or anything?

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Oh and to add insult to injury. The motherfucker was smoking in my damn car! The moment i realized someone else was in my car is when i got in and it STANK like cigarette's and the little fucker ashed on my mets hat. shithead.


If your gonna steal my shit at least respect the area around my shit right?

Yeah one of the last shitheads that broke into my jeep was smoking. I'm used to having it broken into, but the smoke smell coming from the seats every time I got in really pissed me off.

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The police won't even come out to take the report unless the damage or stolen property is worth more than $1 or $2K.


I knew as soon as it happened they weren't going to do shit. On one hand I dont blame them why look for a 100$ used ipod, why even bother. On the other its not exactly a crime ridden area I mean how much other bad shit could be going down in dublin that should take priority its not like they're not swamped with calls in that area.


As Henry Hill said, "sometimes you have take a beating, everyone takes a beating". time to buy another ipod.

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