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My Shit Got Stolen Again


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they tried to break into my car at the parking garage down from brothers but they couldnt seem to get past the lock they chipped away at the door handle and door but never got in....i say set up a sting i would help out and even donate my car hahaha
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...had my car broken into twice in columbus

And stolen once (never recovered - the 1966 GTO convertible)


Fuckers....I'd be game for some sort of surveilance and ass-kicking.


I wish boobytrapping was a possibility, but it isn't.

You can't go to extreme measures and hurt a criminal. There are cases...like....when someone has a boobytrapped gun pointing at a window (and crook comes in and gets shot)....where the owner of the house is prosecuted

The gun is one thing...razorblades are another. You might be able to get away with slicing someone's hand.... (and i can't imagine him calling the cops)

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I did the razor blade thing 18 years ago when I first moved up here. I lived down by parsons and my shit got stole on a regular basis. I epoxied some blades to the back of a power booster ( yes, they used to be cool :D) after 2 or 3 had been stolen. I go out to head to work one day and see my window busted and think "ahhh shit". Get up to the car and there's blood all over the place in the car. I wiped the seat out and laughed my ass off all the way to work.
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as far as it being legal I didn't care....not like they could finger me in a line up. Best they could do is point a wrapped up ass nub at me. :lol:


After my second or third booster got lifted I sat in some bushes at night near the car with a 12 pack of beer and a baseball bat for 2 weeks waiting for them to come back. Never showed and then I remembered where I was and figured I'd just get my ass shot holding a ball bat so I went the razor blade route.

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I am not pretending to be an expert, but if they get hurt on/in your vehicle they have reason to sue you. Not sure on what grounds, but I'm not a lawyer. I just believe this to be true.

the can sue you if the get hurt in your car you no the law is on the victim side if the get hurt it is ok for them to steal your shit i did the razor blades back in 1983 because my car kept getting broken into the third time it happen i put super glue on the razor blades came out one morning my radio was hanging from the wires an blood was all over the inside of the car i called the cops to get a police report to turn into my insurance the cop told me that if the person that broke in my car file charges on me i could go to jail point blank.an they could sue the HELL out of me an will win to now that is real sad i never bought another aftermarket radio after that.

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you may get in trouble for razor blades.....but the person suing would also get in trouble


Razor blades are probably a safe bet. Do they want to go to jail to have you pay their legal bills?

Thousands of dollars in legal bills, while they admit they were thieving in the car? And bring legal action against themselves?


I can't imagine a judge would be very sympathetic

And, as a former prosecutor, I can't imagine a prosecutor would want to press hard charges against you. If it were me, I'd maybe give you a misdemeanor for it

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Guest schnitzelwagen

both times my sterio was stolen the assholes cut the wires at the harness going to the car. i guess the good part is that i now have the sterio wires memorized for a 93 lebaron conv.


nothing to proud of

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Well my insurance company is being pretty cool about everything so far. They say that they will cover everything this time however if i want to keep my same rates i cant make another claim for 12 months.


On a side note check out what i just found on craigs list.


I think its a little funny that they are selling a $700 unit for $200 obo and that in the last 6 months iv never seen a pioneer 4000 listed on craigs list untill 5 days after mine was stolen.


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