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Obama not eligible for nomination


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What obama wants to do with taxes is just not right. Most people don't know much about taxes and it's easy for them to say, tax the rich. They can afford it. If Obama gets his way, he wants to raise the max tax braket 5+%, take away the Social Security cap AND count all interest income as regular income.


What most people don't know about the max tax brakets is not only do we already pay 35% federal tax, but they take ALL your write off's away. The only write offs are the interest on your house (up to a $1,000,000 house) and money donated to a charity. I don't get to write off the taxes on my house, my 3 children, my wife that doesn't work, anything. So in essance I'm already paying more then 35%.


If Obama gets his way, being self employeed, I'll have to pay 40% federal tax, 15% Social Security, 1.54% medicare, 7% Ohio tax. Then after I get my money I have to pay my property taxes, and 7.25% sales tax. So for every dollar I would earn I would net end up with between 25 and 30 cents.


Now lets look at the change in interest income. Immediately anybody that saved up money and retired will be fucked. He'd in essance double the tax for those individuals, which means in order for them to keep their same standard of income to live off that interest they would need twice as much money. So anybody on here that has a money goal that they want to hit to retire, go ahead and enter that into a calculator and multiply it by 2.5, then recalculate what your going to need to save on a monthly basis to get there.


Now I'm not saying Macain is the answer. I'm just saying Obama is so far out there that he is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people.


That's my .02 cents on it. I know the arguement for the obama supporters, but if someone want to share it, I'd welcome it.

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If your paying 48%, your not playing the game right......and for someone who has such a large income, I'm suprised your not more intuitive to change this figure.

I am a small business owner, thats what the govt does. I became and s-corp this year so that I only have to pay 7.5% in self employment and not 15%.

also please see LPFSTheFett post.

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What obama wants to do with taxes is just not right. Most people don't know much about taxes and it's easy for them to say, tax the rich. They can afford it. If Obama gets his way, he wants to raise the max tax braket 5+%, take away the Social Security cap AND count all interest income as regular income.


What most people don't know about the max tax brakets is not only do we already pay 35% federal tax, but they take ALL your write off's away. The only write offs are the interest on your house (up to a $1,000,000 house) and money donated to a charity. I don't get to write off the taxes on my house, my 3 children, my wife that doesn't work, anything. So in essance I'm already paying more then 35%.


If Obama gets his way, being self employeed, I'll have to pay 40% federal tax, 15% Social Security, 1.54% medicare, 7% Ohio tax. Then after I get my money I have to pay my property taxes, and 7.25% sales tax. So for every dollar I would earn I would net end up with between 25 and 30 cents.


Now lets look at the change in interest income. Immediately anybody that saved up money and retired will be fucked. He'd in essance double the tax for those individuals, which means in order for them to keep their same standard of income to live off that interest they would need twice as much money. So anybody on here that has a money goal that they want to hit to retire, go ahead and enter that into a calculator and multiply it by 2.5, then recalculate what your going to need to save on a monthly basis to get there.


Now I'm not saying Macain is the answer. I'm just saying Obama is so far out there that he is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people.


That's my .02 cents on it. I know the arguement for the obama supporters, but if someone want to share it, I'd welcome it.


Obama will cause people like you and me to eventually stop working all together and join the beggars. Why only work for 50% of your money when you can just live off the government for free!!! I could do that... just lay around collecting a check, drinking, and fucking (your kids would get free health care).

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Obama will cause people like you and me to eventually stop working all together and join the beggars. Why only work for 50% of your money when you can just live off the government for free!!! I could do that... just lay around collecting a check, drinking, and fucking (your kids would get free health care).

lol. Agreed! whats sad is obama considers anyone making over 60k a year upper class...craziness.

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I don't get all the Obama hate.


Look, both canidates suck...god forbid we get someone good like Ron Paul.


But Obama is easily the lesser of two evils. McCain might as well be Bush's brother; we don't need ANOTHER 4 years of the same BS we have had for the past 8. McCain is about as bright as Bush too...graduated the bottom 2% at the Naval Academy.


McCain is another war monger that will keep us in Iraq all through his term, working closer to bankrupt this country.


Obama is at least someone that is SOMEWHAT different than what we've had.


I'd like to add that I do not believe in party lines, and honestly had McCain and Obama at 50% each until the more I heard about them. McCain is more of the same, period.

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What obama wants to do with taxes is just not right. Most people don't know much about taxes and it's easy for them to say, tax the rich. They can afford it. If Obama gets his way, he wants to raise the max tax braket 5+%, take away the Social Security cap AND count all interest income as regular income.


What most people don't know about the max tax brakets is not only do we already pay 35% federal tax, but they take ALL your write off's away. The only write offs are the interest on your house (up to a $1,000,000 house) and money donated to a charity. I don't get to write off the taxes on my house, my 3 children, my wife that doesn't work, anything. So in essance I'm already paying more then 35%.


If Obama gets his way, being self employeed, I'll have to pay 40% federal tax, 15% Social Security, 1.54% medicare, 7% Ohio tax. Then after I get my money I have to pay my property taxes, and 7.25% sales tax. So for every dollar I would earn I would net end up with between 25 and 30 cents.


Now lets look at the change in interest income. Immediately anybody that saved up money and retired will be fucked. He'd in essance double the tax for those individuals, which means in order for them to keep their same standard of income to live off that interest they would need twice as much money. So anybody on here that has a money goal that they want to hit to retire, go ahead and enter that into a calculator and multiply it by 2.5, then recalculate what your going to need to save on a monthly basis to get there.


Now I'm not saying Macain is the answer. I'm just saying Obama is so far out there that he is going to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people.


That's my .02 cents on it. I know the arguement for the obama supporters, but if someone want to share it, I'd welcome it.


Not to mention raising the capital gains tax. My bi weekly income is commision off of stocks in the portfolio I manage, talk about getting double fucked.


He also wants to take away the oil tax breaks on exploration and drilling...


I'm triple fucked

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Obama is at least someone that is SOMEWHAT different than what we've had.





Hey look, I am all for change... this country was founded on change.... but we seperated ourselves from Europe in 1776 for a reason, why go back to that?

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Can someone answer a question for me?


Every single person I talk to seems to hate both candidates. So why is it that we can't get someone else? Who actually likes either of them?


This 2 party system is bullshit. There's got to be a better way.


You hang out with smart people. The other hundreds of million people are retards. But not the kind that can win the special olympics.

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Can someone answer a question for me?


Every single person I talk to seems to hate both candidates. So why is it that we can't get someone else? Who actually likes either of them?


This 2 party system is bullshit. There's got to be a better way.



There are several reasons why we can't get any third party's in.


1. Many people just vote down party lines

2. Third party candidates can't get the funding to get their message out

3. Third party candidates tend to be written off as extremists that have a narrow agenda they want to push (green party for example)


A well funded Independant (like Ross Perot) has a better chance than someone running under a third party banner.

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Voting for a guy based on the color of his skin is happening , fuck obama .


Im 100% McCain.


I was all for Allan Keyes!


This is going both ways and will most likely even out in the end. People will most certainly NOT vote for him for the color of his skin.

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Thats just dumb. People WILL vote for him just because of his skin.


I think he's saying exactly what you are.


People will vote for Obama because he's black(ish).

People will vote for McCain because he's not black(ish).


It'll go both ways, but, either train of thought is retarded to me. This election makes me wish we had some kind of anonymous system in place. Where, we don't vote on the person, just their ideals. Impossible, I know. But it'd be nice if it were possible.


I'll take the candidate behind door #3, please.

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