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My friday night fun


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I was out cruising friday and decided to get on it, well i picked the wrong damn spot, as i came up on a cop sitting lights out on the back side of a bridge at, well, over the limit.


Heres the article...




Basicly, came up an off ramp, got on it on a 2+ mile straight with zero traffic, see front of cop car poking out, earn nifty ticket and will soon be relieved of license, yay.

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Guest tbutera2112
if i was going that fast and the cop was at a dead stop....theres no way in hell i would stop unless he somehow managed to catch up....but at that speed i woulda kept goin and hit the next exit
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if i was going that fast and the cop was at a dead stop....theres no way in hell i would stop unless he somehow managed to catch up....but at that speed i woulda kept goin and hit the next exit

I wouldn't advise this, however, this is my belief, as well. It has served me well.

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Man the comments at the bottom of the page are harsh.

agreeded. I think you have to be a car guy/ person to understand what he means about sometimes just having to speed. I do the same thing.


And some of the comments people made make no sence. You could just as well hit a broke down car at night with no lights on at 65mph as you could at 113mph and I'm not sure there would be that much of a difference in damage done. I'm sure you could split hairs and say that your time to react is down but the same goes for someone doing 65mph eating a burger or talking on the phone or jamming to the radio or talking to their friend in the front seat.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I decide to get on it, I'm %110 focused on driving! I scan the road check my mirrors, If there are any cars around I know where they're at. I check my blind spots if I'm switching lanes both hands are on the wheel.


Any way I can respect the fact that you got caught and it sounds like you're accepting your punishment. You do the crime do the time.

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If i am not mistaken the section of road he is referring to is a VERY well lit area. So the people on newark advocate stating not seeing a car stopped along side the road can just eat a dick. I am not saying the speed is justified but I can guarantee 90% of us have gone faster then 113 we just didnt get caught.


Good luck Matt

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if i was going that fast and the cop was at a dead stop....theres no way in hell i would stop unless he somehow managed to catch up....but at that speed i woulda kept goin and hit the next exit




and this is why you dont have a license now. :gtfo:

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eric the midget.. humor. seems like you know you broke the law, and are going to take whatever they give you, how are they this upset. I wanna put money that one those bashers were reading and replying to the artical from their blackberry while taking the kids to school.
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Guest tbutera2112
and this is why you dont have a license now. :gtfo:

i was doing 81 when i lost my license....and i was slowed down and getting off the freeway when the cop showed up behind me...thats a far cry from blasting past a cop at 113 and not stopping

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i was doing 81 when i lost my license....and i was slowed down and getting off the freeway when the cop showed up behind me...thats a far cry from blasting past a cop at 113 and not stopping





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Oh yeah Matt forgot to tell you my little story about last night:


On 315 heading home and a LT1 camaro rolls up next to me and just has to rev on me. Im in 5th gear cruising at 55mph minding my business tired as shit trying to get home. He pulls on me being a badass and im like oh yeah ok my turn, get up next to him and downshift into 4th, then to 3rd and all the way into 2nd. He honks a few times and we roll, I pull on him easily and just keep going. At the Henerson road ramp I see a cop coming up out the corner of my eye. Im well beyond 120mph, start downshifting and throw it in nuetral so I dont hit the brake lights (thats a dead give away), get off at lane ave and here comes the copper. He pulls up behind me as I get onto Kenny, pulls me over. Walks up to the car and says and I shit you not "you know I should give you a ticket, but instead I wanna see wtf is under the hood fo this thing", I get out pop the hood and he says "thats a whole lot of shit for that little engine bay, where do you live, I explain that im coming home from work and about 10mins away. He tells me to just get home and slow it down on the highways!!


BTW Camaro was a black LT1 body style and I beileve it said SIK MARO or something to that effect on the tags. I know the first part was SIK

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