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If there is a god, who knows


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My mom told me tonight that the doctor's have finally found out why her right arm is completely disabled. Her cancer has came back again and spread into her right shoulder. This is the 7th time she has had to fight this shit. I'm so afraid of what could happen. She's so fragile and too young for anything to happen to her. She's the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life. My mom was my greatest fan through all my childhood sports. I don't know what I'll do when my mom isn't there to see my son score his first touchdown.



I can't go to sleep b/c all I do is start to cry. This is just rediculous, I'm a grown fucking man. I'm a mommy's boy and I don't know what I'd be if I ever lost her to this stupid shit.


I ask that if you are religious or not, if praying works or not, to keep my family in yours.

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I had a friend who's dad ended up dying from cancer, it's a shitty deal. He ended up trying to push himself further away from his dad so it didn't hurt as bad when he passed, and he's regreted it ever since. Just make sure you spend lots of time with her and enjoy it. My prayers will be with you, your mom and your family.
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My mom went in today and the doctors said there's nothing they can do now. We'll be lucky to have her until Christmas.


I hate this. I feel like my lungs have been ripped out my chest and I can't breathe. I'm only 23 years old, she's supposed to be there until my kid is 23, not just me.

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Cancer is bad here in Ohio... I'm sorry to hear for your mother; my wife and I will put in prayers for her.


If you're a stern believer, adhere to the saying that God won't put you through anything that you can't handle, or anything where he's not there with you.


A classmate of mine from high school was diagnosed a year ago and she's doing great. What kind of cancer is it, if you don't mind me asking? Has it metastasized?

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Sorry to hear about your mom. It is kinda coincidence because a lady who works with my gf died today unexpectedly from cancer. Also, her friends niece died about two weeks of cancer. Sometimes things happen that make no sense at all. I wish her well with everything.
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I won't pray only because I'm not the religious type.


However, I do feel for you and your family. I hope the best will come out of it.


My brother died when I was 14 and he was 23 of cancer.


I found out a few months ago that my mom has breast cancer at the age of 65(ish). She's going through chemo now and she shaved her head. She has almost the same head as my brother and that brought back some shitty memories.


I hope things turn out for the best.


And yes, it's ok to cry.

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I can't say anything to make you feel better, so I'll just offer a little advice. Be with her every second you can. Don't try to hide your emotions from her. Talk to her about what's going on. If you have to cry, cry with her. Believe me, she's worrying about you, too. Moms are there to help their kids when they're hurting.
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I'm just starting this whole process for the first time. Doctors are telling us my dad has cancer after a third test. BS is the first one he said theres no way it could be cancer, now its reverse. Not fun stuff not knowing how bad it could be. Supportively not life threatening but that doesn't really mean anything.
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