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The E-Penor Thread (PC Specs)


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Ok, I got a new pc so I thought I would get a new thread going and see what others are running.



My main

Vista 64 Ultimate

Nvidia I650 chipset

2x9800gt sli

Sound Blaster XF-I

2x1tb raid 1


4gb Dominator

Q9450 2.66ghz

Blueray burner


My Lappy




My linux box

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS


4gig ocz gold

2x 72gig raptor

E8800gts (Don't ask me why I don't know)

(it has a 250gig vista drive incase i need extra game box for a night)

dvd burner


Wifes box

Vista 64 Ultimate

Intel P35 Mobo (intel brand)

E8400 @ 3.0



dvd burner





Asus P5N-HDMI Microatx

Pimp little case

2gig ddr2


Nvidia onboard 7100

Plays 1080p no frame loss


BitchBox (Dead ATM :[ )

P4 660 3.6ghz

2gig ddr2


dvd burner

Vista Ultimate 64bit

Nvidia 6600GT


Vmware Server/Fileserver

win 2k3 + vmware GSX

Tyan 2x mobo

2x 2.0ghz xeon

4gig ram

10x250gig in raid 5 and online spares



Linux box for random shit

Linux box for server applications


Wifes Laptop

IBM R32 (Work horses)





My Main pc was free so I can't complain

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Intel Q945 mobo

Core 2 Duo E4200 2.4 GHz

ATI x1650 Pro 512MB

Acer 22" Widescreen LCD, LG 19" Widescreen LCD, no-name 15" LCD



G Skill 2x1GB DDR2

Railink internal wireless card


edit: runs Battlefield 2142 at highest res with no problems, and I built this all for less than $1000.

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E8400 @ 4.xghz (depends on day lol)


2x O/C 3870 HD's

2x 150gb Raptors

Ton of misc. storage drives


Playing just about anything on the 24" dell @ 1920X1200 maxxed = Priceless


We just got the new 27's with our new xps's ;) they rock

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I've sold most of my PCs to pay off loans. I haven't had enough extra cash to buy a new PC yet but I have wanted to for a long time (kind of like my car...).


My fastest machine now is a 2.33ghz celron HP laptop. meh


My main machine is 1.5ghz Pentium 4 with 1GB of 400mhz RAMBUS. That is the shit right there. Has 2 video cards and 2 LCD monitors and a terabyte of hard drive space.



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I've sold most of my PCs to pay off loans. I haven't had enough extra cash to buy a new PC yet but I have wanted to for a long time (kind of like my car...).


My fastest machine now is a 2.33ghz celron HP laptop. meh


My main machine is 1.5ghz Pentium 4 with 1GB of 400mhz RAMBUS. That is the shit right there. Has 2 video cards and 2 LCD monitors and a terabyte of hard drive space.




Haaa you have a very tiny E-Penor!!!!


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MSI P45 Neo3-FR Mobo

Intel X3330 OC'ed to 3.7GHz (It's the same as a Q9400)



2x250GB HDD's in Raid 1

Corsair VX550 Power Supply

8800GTS 512MB Vid Card

Water cooled with Swiftech MCP655-B pump, Apogee GT waterblock and a MCR220 radiator.




I'm too lazy to type out the rest of my rigs.

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