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GAME TIME - Point Predictions


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and the crying starts..... if pryor was in....if wells was playing.....if usc played there 4th string walk ons the entire game it would have been close...blahblahblah.......





#1 reason i HATE the buckeyes......there cry baby fans......


Yellowsnake, people were stating the obvious... the buckeyes were a better team today with the back up in. You call them crybaby fans when the announcers were saying the exact same thing. Does that make them professional crybaby sports analysts :p


I also noticed something... The qualities that make people hate Buckeye fans were exhibited by you in just a few brief sentences. Cocky, overconfident, mouthy, ignore reason, die hard to the end.. it's just that you are anti-Buckeye. I guess the only real difference is Buckeye fans have been here the entire time. Of the threads about the Buckeyes playing USC your opinion stayed dormant until after they lost this time :nono:

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We have the talent, we just need Tressel to open up his mind(which he did for a short time early on) and we'll win another title.


The Buckeyes curse all of their coaches. This turned them into overly conservative zombies that try so hard not to mess up that they end up messing up even more. It was like watching Coach Cooper out there.



O-H..... NO!



Posts X3 and I'm off to bed.

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Do you watch tv???? when espn says "the buckeye fans are the worst in the land" I guess thats dull isn't it....need i remind you dumb fucks of a texas team??? or i beat you guys have noooo idea about what was said there now do ya




you're right, i have no idea what was said, because you can't put together anything near what could be considered a coherent thought. fuck off idiot--how's that for a dickhead statement from a buckeye fan.

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The Buckeyes curse all of their coaches. This turned them into overly conservative zombies that try so hard not to mess up that they end up messing up even more. It was like watching Coach Cooper out there.



O-H..... NO!



Posts X3 and I'm off to bed.


It certainly felt like a Cooper coached game. The whole week before the game was a disaster imo, that's not like Tressel and it was a big mistake on his part. Then in the game he started off showing some creativity keeping USC's defense on their toes, then he got right back into the same routine and play calling OSU has been using for 100 years.


Tressel is going to become another Cooper at this rate, recruiting all the big talent and squandering it. I remain unimpressed with Boeckman and still question the choice in him as qb. Recruiting big, fat, and slow linemen up front that have for 3 years now have proven it doesn't work in the big games against the good schools. Though he showed some creativity yesterday it was too little and then too late.

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I was thinking the exact same thing. I thought for sure during the first drive that we were onto something and that it would actually be a good game. Then right at the final moment, BAM...Tressel had a stroke or something :confused:


It certainly felt like a Cooper coached game. The whole week before the game was a disaster imo, that's not like Tressel and it was a big mistake on his part. Then in the game he started off showing some creativity keeping USC's defense on their toes, then he got right back into the same routine and play calling OSU has been using for 100 years.
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I still want to see Pryor throw a pass that is over 10 yards. He can run like a mother fucker...but seriously.....I want to see him throw a long pass.

Thats what I was thinking. Same with Beckman, he started off ok with the TD pass that was called back of course. I want to see some plays with Pryor and Beckman in at the same time. That will really keep them on their toes.

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I'm probably the only one here who's a USC fan and even I was a bit disappointed. Especially, since all our company left at the end of the 3rd quarter due to being buckeye fans. They couldn't handle my trojan helmet, cape and sword costume I was wearing. Which, against better judgement, my gf dared me into going into public with it on. Needless to say, one of my neighbors chased me back to the garage with a hose. lol


Seriously, though. Tressell's great and all; he has an incredible record, etc. BUt at some point, if the man can't win the big games, what difference does it make? It looked like he was really gonna try to mix it up at first, but then it seemed he just got scared and went back to the same shit. C'mon OSU. I may've not been rooting for them this game, but I'd like to the rest of the season.

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