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When street racing makes the news....

Science Abuse

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It said police suspect he was street racing. Its not a proven fact. If it was a Cadillac on that telephone pole the story would have been different.


Now if they guy that was driving was in fact street racing, I have no sorrow for him. Only for his child, and like stated I hope he lives, so he can live everyday knowing what he did.

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Reminds me of a few months ago when I was driving my 1G. A guy pulls up next to me with a POS stock Avenger(FAIL) and asked me if I wanted to run him. His wife/gf was with him and he had a baby seat in the back. I told him that he was a fucking moron for even wanting to race. Why do people like this continue to breed?
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Piece of shit. Even if he didn't wreck he could have seriously hurt that baby's neck.

Safety First


child size



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