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New best in the Cobra


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The car weighs 3850+ with me in it, so with that trap it takes a semi decent driver to run an 11 second pass. Just get on SVTPerformance and look at all of the guys who run slower ET's and get lower trap speeds with better tires and more power. Don't make it sound that easy. The funny part is seeing all of the cars that are on tires that can't figure out why I can run a better ET than them on radials. Drag racing might be in a straight line, but to me it's fun. I might not be the best driver, but I'm better than a good deal of these so-called racers at getting through the gears. Enough of that and a 3-year old? Give me a little bit more credit than that.


I don't know who you race with or what board you read but if they can't get better than a 2.0 60' on sticky tires they must still have their pacifier in or they drive cars without any horsepower. A 2.0 is respectable for street tires and you do seem to be a good driver from those runs, dont get me wrong, but I know you can get a 1.9 the way it sits with lower launch, less throttle early on or more clutch slipping, or even shift point modification alone... have you had it on a dyno and mapped out your ideal shift points? Tire pressure? In my 5.0 car I picked up a full second doing that and adding a shift light as my factory tach was so inaccurate that I was short shifting.


I wasn't aware the cobras weighed that much but that is besides the point you ran a 12.0 in your car with your driving with a 2.0, a 1.9 will put you at least 11.9 and they say a tenth in the beginning is worth 1.5 at the end so there you have 11.85 on street tires. Heck a 1.93 will probably do it for you.


I am not that versed with the IRS and what its limitations are but I bet if you changed a few of those bushings to something a little stiffer that would be all you need with your exact run and exact tires.


BTW half if not more of what is posted on the internet are blatant lies anyhow- its funny all the "11/12" second cars either don't run or run 14s come track day.


Good luck and keep up the good work- you can do it.

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I don't know who you race with or what board you read but if they can't get better than a 2.0 60' on sticky tires they must still have their pacifier in or they drive cars without any horsepower. A 2.0 is respectable for street tires and you do seem to be a good driver from those runs, dont get me wrong, but I know you can get a 1.9 the way it sits with lower launch, less throttle early on or more clutch slipping, or even shift point modification alone... have you had it on a dyno and mapped out your ideal shift points? Tire pressure? In my 5.0 car I picked up a full second doing that and adding a shift light as my factory tach was so inaccurate that I was short shifting.


I wasn't aware the cobras weighed that much but that is besides the point you ran a 12.0 in your car with your driving with a 2.0, a 1.9 will put you at least 11.9 and they say a tenth in the beginning is worth 1.5 at the end so there you have 11.85 on street tires. Heck a 1.93 will probably do it for you.


I am not that versed with the IRS and what its limitations are but I bet if you changed a few of those bushings to something a little stiffer that would be all you need with your exact run and exact tires.


BTW half if not more of what is posted on the internet are blatant lies anyhow- its funny all the "11/12" second cars either don't run or run 14s come track day.


Good luck and keep up the good work- you can do it.


Most of the non-drivers with sticky tires are cutting around 1.8's, or so they claim. They just can't drive the rest of the way down the track. I think with a little more experimenting with clutch slipping and finding the right amount of throttle of the line, I can get a 1.9x 60' out of it. I have a few different bushings in the rear already, but the others would require a whole lot more work. I might get to those this winter. The bushings on the car now helped out with the wheel hop in first, but I still can't powershift 2nd without it wanted to hop and spin through 2nd. I have to quick shift into 2nd and I found out that even doing that too quickly can lead to the car hopping and spinning. It is fun to drive the car on radials, because it requires a lot more attention to how to get the car moving. I would still like to see what it would do on tires. I also want to get an 11 second pass on radials. I think it's very likely that I can, but I'm going to have to get the car to 60' a little bit better. The car doesn't make any more power past 6000 rpm, so that is where I shift it. Most of the people I talk to with these cars, either in person or online, also don't rev past 6000. It's taken some time to figure out how to bring the car out with the IRS, but it doesn't seem to be that hard to get a handle on. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens at the track.

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Some M.T. drag radials and an IRS brace should do you good. I cut a 1.65 60' on mickeys with my 98 gt, I'm sure you should be able to hit some 1.7's or better.


I already have the IRS brace. Figured that I didn't need to have the cover crack and have to deal with that. Someday I'll put some tires on.

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I thought I might get the 11.xx pass last night at Trails, but nothing doing. First pass down the car got nice and sideways going into second and I let off the gas and got back on it and still went a 12.12@119. I figured that I would be able to hit an 11 sec pass, but I had a few issues after that. I had some nice wheel hop the next two runs, thanks Trails, and then had the blower belt slipping in 3rd and 4th on both of those runs. Last pass I had a terrible 60', but the belt didn't slip and it went 12.47@117 with the car being nice and warm. I guess I'll have to hit the 11 sec pass at Kilkare. Atleast I know the low 12 on radials wasn't a fluke due to a better track.
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nice meeting you last night dave. car looked good. I have some good video of your first pass. lmk if you want me to throw on here and send it to you. you ever talk to the guy in the white cobra?


Nice meeting you too. I didn't get a chance to talk to the guy in the white cobra, but my friend said that part of the hood had been spray canned. I'd like to see the video. Good thing I made a decent pass that time.

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hey dave heres the video of I have. not as good as I thought, for some reason I thought I was right behind you.




Did you happen to get video of any of the other cars running on Friday? I'm trying to figure out the whole make one shitty pass and then leave concept right now. By about 9 there were less than 1/3 of the cars that started the night. I'm not complaining about that, but why does everyone make one pass and leave?

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I have both my brother in laws on film. they both had two runs. the white 03. think thats it.


I think its people don't want to wait in line for an hr to get a 2nd run in.


Gives you time to let the car cool down. It always clears out as the night goes on.

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