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Hang overs


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I think the last time I was at a party with Erin she freaked out about this because we were drinking jager bombs and she wouldn't and she kept callin us dumbasses. But yeah, i say fuck it. I highly doubt me drinking alcohol will be the cause of my death.


okay...the reason for me saying anything was because stimulants and depressants mixed together simply confuse your body and the messages sent to your brain...that's all. I didn't say it was gonna kill you....ok well mabye i did, but i was exaggerating okay?!


ANYWAYS...Chris, there is no need to share any of those fun-filled stories about me and alcohol...simply no need. You're the best!

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okay...the reason for me saying anything was because stimulants and depressants mixed together simply confuse your body and the messages sent to your brain...that's all. I didn't say it was gonna kill you....ok well mabye i did, but i was exaggerating okay?!


ANYWAYS...Chris, there is no need to share any of those fun-filled stories about me and alcohol...simply no need. You're the best!


Beer confuses the body by itself, I see no problem.

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I always suffered from very bad hangovers. One night before going out, I was drained on energy. While buying my beer at the store, I noticed that 5 hour energy stuff. Thinking it would give me some extra go for the night, I chugged the small bottle as soon as I got in the car. That night I did some binge drinking with the buddies. All might I was mixing beer and liquor. Usually that makes the next day for me worthless.


Anyways, I woke up the next day at 9 am and felt like a million bucks. I should have been hurting bad. Next week I did it again with the drinking and the 5 hour energy stuff. Again, same results. I told a few friends about it, and they had the same results.


I've been told it can be taken the next day to cure a hangover, but I always do it beforehand so I don't know.


If you read the bottle, its filled with all kinds of random vitamins. I guess that's why it works, no idea. But whatever, it works. Try it out! I'm anxious to see if others have the same results.


This probably works only because the 5 hour energy shit kept you from passing out and feeling the worse effects the next day.



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it was briefly mentioned but not really noticed. The absolute best hangover cure I've ever used was Pedia-lite. Grab a bottle and throw it in the fridge the night before, then drink some before passing out if possible. In the morning drink about half of the bottle. It's created to rehydrate sick children and works wonders.


The downside is that it tastes like crap (I recommend the grape flavor) and it's not cheap, so I don't use it often because of that.

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I somehow always remember to take an ibuprofen before I pass out, with lots of water. When I wake up in the morning, I continue drinking a ton of water, and usually eat pizza & it helps.


But, get up and drink a beer or something in the morning... ive been told that really helps. lol

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A lot of people say drink a lot of water before you go to bed, typically when I try to fill my stomach with liquid after drinking a lot I"ll just puke all over the place. Not becuase of intoxication, but just because I'm that full.


What I've found ot be a perfect cure (not a prevention) is the "5-hour energy" drinks, those little ones that you get from the gas station, they've got some really crappy commercials on tv.


Basically its got 2800% of your daily B12, plus some other crap to make you feel fantastic. It doesnt matter how bad I feel, one of these and i'll be good to go in 15-20 minutes.

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A lot of people say drink a lot of water before you go to bed, typically when I try to fill my stomach with liquid after drinking a lot I"ll just puke all over the place. Not becuase of intoxication, but just because I'm that full.


What I've found ot be a perfect cure (not a prevention) is the "5-hour energy" drinks, those little ones that you get from the gas station, they've got some really crappy commercials on tv.


Basically its got 2800% of your daily B12, plus some other crap to make you feel fantastic. It doesnt matter how bad I feel, one of these and i'll be good to go in 15-20 minutes.

Thats what I posted on page 2. Good to see it works for others too.


I think the danger people talk about with the energy drinks and alcohol are due to caffeine and other uppers such as that. The 5 Hour energy bottles have very low caffeine content. It's mostly made up of vitamins. If anything, I have been using that stuff before I drink for over a year or so....and I'm still alive lol.

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Thats what I posted on page 2. Good to see it works for others too.


I think the danger people talk about with the energy drinks and alcohol are due to caffeine and other uppers such as that. The 5 Hour energy bottles have very low caffeine content. It's mostly made up of vitamins. If anything, I have been using that stuff before I drink for over a year or so....and I'm still alive lol.


shoot, I skimmed over posts looking to see if anyone mentioned it before.


yeah, the stuff is basically a large vitamin shot, not a heart attack inducer. I'm a big fan.

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im getting drunk tommorow at sloopys. im going to try a new method. drink, drink, drink some more, pick up a bitch, sex her down. wake up and the shock of her face should scare that hangover right away. ill tell you if it works or not
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im getting drunk tommorow at sloopys. im going to try a new method. drink, drink, drink some more, pick up a bitch, sex her down. wake up and the shock of her face should scare that hangover right away. ill tell you if it works or not


You have a good time with that approach, doesn't sound like the one i want to take. The girl might use it on me though. But you know what, i'll take it.

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You have a good time with that approach, doesn't sound like the one i want to take. The girl might use it on me though. But you know what, i'll take it.



sex with a strange girl and her strange diseases > a bunch of dudes advice :D

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