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Hang overs


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My hangover routine(not that I've had one for a long time):

1. Throw up. Seriously, it does help.

2. Brush teeth.

3. Take 2 aspirin.

4. Drink a few cups of water.

5. Eat a huge breakfast with tomato juice.(The acid in orange juice makes your mouth taste like SHIT, and TJ has the salt and other things you've lost that are causing your hangover)

6. If it's a really nasty hangover, you may have to repeat from step 1.

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I drink 3 bottle/cups of water before bed. Lots of water.




Advice is a little after the fact, but it works for your next evening. Get the biggest cup you have in your cupboard (preferably an old travel Big Gulp-sized plastic cup) fill it with water and chug it...do it at least twice. Then, pass out.


You'll feel right as rain in the morning.

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I don't get hung over 9/10 times. My trick is to just sleep it off. If I sleep 8-9 hours I am good, if I have to get up early and only sleep 6 I am fucked.


I have also heard that Aleve is the best to take and just pop two of them before you go to sleep and drink a bottle of water. My problem is that if I am drunk enough I have to worry about a hangover, I am of no condition to be swallowing any pills and I usually dont never get any water because the alcohol forces me to sleep when it wants and there is no grey area to plan with.

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yea by the time you realize your fucked up, you think more about how your getting home or remembering to wear a rubber...... drinking water not so much lol


Thats not the case here, most people here don't get laid and for the ones that do they think that they it is fine to shoot sperm into other dudes bum bum.:bangbang:

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I always suffered from very bad hangovers. One night before going out, I was drained on energy. While buying my beer at the store, I noticed that 5 hour energy stuff. Thinking it would give me some extra go for the night, I chugged the small bottle as soon as I got in the car. That night I did some binge drinking with the buddies. All might I was mixing beer and liquor. Usually that makes the next day for me worthless.


Anyways, I woke up the next day at 9 am and felt like a million bucks. I should have been hurting bad. Next week I did it again with the drinking and the 5 hour energy stuff. Again, same results. I told a few friends about it, and they had the same results.


I've been told it can be taken the next day to cure a hangover, but I always do it beforehand so I don't know.


If you read the bottle, its filled with all kinds of random vitamins. I guess that's why it works, no idea. But whatever, it works. Try it out! I'm anxious to see if others have the same results.

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I just skimmed over an article recently that was talking about energy drinks and such mixed with alcohol. Moral of the story was that mixing uppers and downers was not a good thing. But hey generally the Beer isn't that great for you so I say whatever.


I think the last time I was at a party with Erin she freaked out about this because we were drinking jager bombs and she wouldn't and she kept callin us dumbasses. But yeah, i say fuck it. I highly doubt me drinking alcohol will be the cause of my death.

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I think the last time I was at a party with Erin she freaked out about this because we were drinking jager bombs and she wouldn't and she kept callin us dumbasses. But yeah, i say fuck it. I highly doubt me drinking alcohol will be the cause of my death.


You know thats funny because 6 months ago she always talked about how drinking was retarted and she doesn't see the point blah blah blah. I told her just wait and see. I talked to her about 3 mins ago and the first words out of my mouth were definatly: You have been drinking, haven't you. I guess she has spent too much time around me. She really doesn't drink that much but I can see it turning into a little more than ocasional basis. I definatly have some funny stories about her drinking though.


BTW are you post following me?:wtf: Creeper!:D

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