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PLEASE HELP my dog...


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"DOG"- your best sourse of vitamin C. Pet's will be disappearing left and right.


k smartass i didn't say dogs were rich in vitamin C therefore we should eat them, i said they don't NEED it in their diets, implying that maybe excess amounts of vitamin C might not be the best thing for this particular dog.

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k smartass i didn't say dogs were rich in vitamin C therefore we should eat them, i said they don't NEED it in their diets, implying that maybe excess amounts of vitamin C might not be the best thing for this particular dog.

lol. I'm just teasin!

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Our husky once got a hold of a bunch of Hershey kisses. We didn't know about it until a few days later when the wife saw the foil out in the backyard.... in the shit piles.....


lucky for you it wasn't a smaller dog. it takes approximately 1oz milk chocolate per pound of the dog to be lethal...so a 75 pound dog would have to eat about 4 and a half pounds of Hershey kisses for it to be certain death.

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Noob Wars inside senior member thread :rolleyes: & :gtfo:


lol. I'm just teasin!


k smartass i didn't say dogs were rich in vitamin C therefore we should eat them, i said they don't NEED it in their diets, implying that maybe excess amounts of vitamin C might not be the best thing for this particular dog.
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that's scarey as chocolate is toxic for dogs.


our male this season was getting into peaches that were falling from the nieghbors tree.


I didn't know until I say him puke up like 5-6 pits at one time on two different occasions. Not sure what I was thinking the first time, other than WTF :confused:


The next time he did it though I went and watch him in the yard. Like a fucking vacuum cleaner he was. That explains why I never saw any peaches on the grass :o


Chocolate is not toxic to dogs (it is to cats), however, it is contraindicated.

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Thanks to everyone for their help!


Turned out to be mild poisoning from eating apples. Vet gave me SUCRALFATE to help her ease back into her appetite. She's acted much better since this morning.


The apples are bad because, according to my vet, the seeds are coated in a mild form of ARSENIC. Too many seeds...dog gets sick.


All clear. Thanks, people.

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thats why horses can colic from eating too many apples, the seeds. I always pick the seeds out of my horses apples once he bits them in half, at least the seeds that are left in my half. Interesting that they are covered in arsenic, didn't know that, now I know.
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You're right and wrong...it's not the chocolate, but what's in it that is bad.


Not sure where you're getting your information, but if you go to MedVets over in Worthington, they will gladly hand you the information validating that chocolate contains obromine, which is toxic to dogs. It is a xanthine compound in the same category of caffeine, and theophylline.


Xanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves.


On average,

Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz.

Semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/oz.

Baker's chocolate 390mg/oz. (2oz will kill a 20lb dog)-------> Ask me how I know.


Dogs won't die eating a couple cookies that they may swipe from kids hands during dinner, but then that's not how most poisonings happen and most dogs don't stop at just a couple cookies or brownies....if they get into them, they typically eat the entire bag or batch and that can be fatal.


Don't believe, me then go ahead and give your pup a batch of freshly baked brownies simulating a typical accidental case of poisoning where the dog gets on the table and eats up a batch of brownies on a plate or toll house cookies stored too low on a shelf in the pantry and call me in 48hrs.


You'll have to clean up the shits they'll have as they suffer though the poisoning. They can treat him with Carbon, but it will be 3-4 days before it clears his system completely if he doesn't die first. If you're really unlucky, I'll help you pick out the urn to put him in.


You are correct in that it's 3x more toxic for cats, but then cats won't likely eat much chocolate, nor will they tend to gorge themselves like a dog would.


Even if an 80lb dog doesn't ingest enough theobromine to kill him, the resulting effects of dehydration, stress and the toxin combined can shut down his kidney's, cause massive seizures and ultimately internal organ failure. Heart attacks & liver failure are most common reactions to even mild poisonings.


These reactions will be more likely if the dog is not in good health or is senior in age too. Put it into a bully breed and bloat is a major risk on top of all of the above too.


Now after all that if you still don't believe, then at least move any raisins in your pantry up high so your dog won't get them either. They can be even more deadly even in small amounts and contain one of the highest amounts of fluoride found in our foods. Raisins will shut down kidneys. Goes without saying, grapes will do the same thing, only it will take more, but not a lot.


Again, don't believe me, call MedVets or better yet, call Laurinda Morris, DVM

Danville Veterinary Clinic right here in Ohio. She's very well known around the country and is the one they called in when we needed her as she specializes in these poisonings.




Chocolate is not toxic to dogs (it is to cats), however, it is contraindicated.
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A lot of times when dogs are sick they will go eat leaves or anything they can find (apples) I'm not really sure why but they do. My dogs have always done that and I work at a kennel and if we have a sick dog there they usually do too. I wouldn't be too worried about that. I haven't heard anything about apples being bad for dogs, i'm not sure, but i know potatos are bad for them.


It could be that she ate something weird. Once my dog ate carpet padding and we didn't know until she did about exactly what your dog is doing. We took her to med vet and they had to do an x-ray and give her fluids and all that. She eventually got it up.


I hope your dog is ok!!!!

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A lot of times when dogs are sick they will go eat leaves or anything they can find


She developed a habit of eating grass and then barfing it back up...I guess it's her little eating disorder that helps her get bad stuff already in her stomach out. I love dogs, but they can be a stupid species.


I know right now at home she's probably finding another fallen apple and chowing down on it like it's steak...*sigh*...

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Why the fuck would you ask on CR about PET HEALTHCARE?


Take the pup to the god damned vet!





I know, my thoughts exactly. Half of the people on here that have dogs don't even know how to take proper care of them (from the posts I've seen concerning dogs).

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