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Shantons back flip off of the house boat


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Word on the street its pretty shallow.



BTW its still warm, we need to take the skis out again. and befior you leave


i've jumped off the cliff many times. its awesome.

i'm on the left


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After I jumped off Rock Mill and almost broke my back I vowed to never jump off anything again; but damn that looks fun.


Rock Mill is dope. Definately scary though. I have a video of me jumping off the highest part and then jumping off the waterfall and sliding down it but I have to order a new usb cord.

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Cant wait to do it off the House boat we get next year. /I bet that shit has to be at least a 40-50 ft jump.


not to knock what you're doing, but you probably want to check your guestimating skills.


IDK if you've ever been to the rock quarry/cliff out in perry county (that the kid died at like 5 years ago), but that cliff is taller than that boat looks to be, and they've measured it to be 23'6" to the water.


you'd have to have a skyscraper boat to get 40-50' out of it.

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Rock Mill is dope. Definately scary though. I have a video of me jumping off the highest part and then jumping off the waterfall and sliding down it but I have to order a new usb cord.


Yeah it wasn't that bad I just landed totally fucked off the highest part and thought I broke my back when I hit the water.


Kind of turned the switch on that I should stop doin' that shit. :D

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not to knock what you're doing, but you probably want to check your guestimating skills.


IDK if you've ever been to the rock quarry/cliff out in perry county (that the kid died at like 5 years ago), but that cliff is taller than that boat looks to be, and they've measured it to be 23'6" to the water.


you'd have to have a skyscraper boat to get 40-50' out of it.



The house boat shanton is referring to is a 3 level one with a deck on top of the 3rd level. I would say it is close to 40 ft. The one in this video is prolly close to 25 ft or so.

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I don't like flipping anymore. However, I'll jump off of any damn thing. We used to climb way the fuck up these giant powelines that went across Lake Limestone. (It was safe.) Not sure on the feet, but it was quite a bit a higher than that cliff. You could pull poses and a couple sentences off on the way down. I found a pic of the Marina with the power lines in the background. This is the exact marina I have property less than a mile from in Texas. We would climb easily to the 5th horizontal bar and jump. Only hard part was getting onto the concrete feet (tied a rope) and circumventing the bobwire halfway up. I mean, fuck, it's only water and if you go in properly, you're fine.



Fuck, got sidetracked. Nice flip, man! Again, I don't flip from real high any longer. lol So, props to you.

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