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Mis-Leading Lobby Groups


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So I heard a commercial this morning of the President of the American Hunters & Shooters Association endorsing Barack Obama, talking about how he won't take our guns away.


That issue aside I decided to look up who they were as I am a lifetime NRA member and shooter and have never heard of them. I found out that they are actually a gun CONTROL group that was founded by a former Brady Campaign member, yet they portray themselves as a Pro 2nd Amendment group. As I did more research I found this out about them.


The Democrat Leadership Council, DLC, (http://www.dlc.org) has

through its favorite PR firm, DCS, set up a website,

American Hunters and Shooters Association, AHSA, that

purports to be a group of "responsible" sportsmen in

favor of the Democratic National Party gun control policy

and opposed to the NRA.


The internet domain name http://www.huntersandshooters.com

was registered 25 Apr 05 by DCS (Internet Advocacy Group),

600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, suite 200, Washington, DC.

The 25 Apr 05 paperwork gives the AHSA address as

600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, suite 200, Washington, DC.

On 3 Aug 05 the registration of the domain name

http://www.huntersandsportsmen.com was changed from DCS

to AHSA. Expect an address change and then denial that

DCS or DLC set up AHSA.


The DLC occupies Suite 400 at the same adress.


DCS (dcscongressional.com) describes itself as:


"What We Do:

DCS utilizes cutting edge technology to create a winning

Internet strategy for elected officials, campaigns and

organizations. Our experienced political and Internet team

will work directly with campaigns, political organizations,

and their strategic partners to develop a plan that combines

creative, research-driven messages with aggressive online

advocacy. We will work with your fundraising, press and

issue teams in their earliest stages to develop effective

Internet strategies, full media plans, and fundraising

strategies that can be turned into potent and powerful



DCS publicity lists its clients. Every congressman listed is

a Democrat.


ASHA is an on-line advocacy group created by DCS for the DLC,

Democratic Leadership Council, and existed as a website created

by DCS before it had any members, strange for a real people

organisation. Actual support for hunters and sportsmen at AHSA

is sparse, beyond its website, which is full of pro-gun control

nuances, apparently tailored via poll research to appeal to

gun-owning Democrats who voted Republican over the gun

control issue.


I find this very sneaky, not just on the issue, but how they are going about doing this. Appearing completely on one side of the agreement just to push the opposite.

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