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Apologies for the downtime, we're on a new server!


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Chris is actually doing a study on forum addiction. He places camera's in various CR home, takes the site down, then documents his findings.


Here is what he has so far...


When CR is down:

55% click refresh until it comes back online

20% text random admins no matter the time of night

15% go to sleep

5% masturbate

4% Check back every 20 minutes

1% Call Time Warner and try to get Thorne fired thinking its his fault.

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Chris is actually doing a study on forum addiction. He places camera's in various CR home, takes the site down, then documents his findings.


Here is what he has so far...


When CR is down:

55% click refresh until it comes back online

20% text random admins no matter the time of night

15% go to sleep

5% masturbate

4% Check back every 20 minutes

1% Call Time Warner and try to get Thorne fired thinking its his fault.

Jesus, my kind only takes up 1%?

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then you got the people with a life that didnt notice it went down

like me


Chris is actually doing a study on forum addiction. He places camera's in various CR home, takes the site down, then documents his findings.


Here is what he has so far...


When CR is down:

55% click refresh until it comes back online

20% text random admins no matter the time of night

15% go to sleep

5% masturbate

4% Check back every 20 minutes

1% Call Time Warner and try to get Thorne fired thinking its his fault.



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