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What does the vp do?


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I see the VP has a vote in the case of a dead lock but that's not even close to the same of what she said.


I guess that would be pretty maveriky

haha your an idiot just like biden is, he doesnt know what his job would be



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I see the VP has a vote in the case of a dead lock but that's not even close to the same of what she said.


I guess that would be pretty maveriky

She was talking to a 3rd grader. You need to take the answer in context with the question and who asked it.

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I guess you can lie to people who believe in santa clause. She does not run the senate period.


President has two primary duties: to cast a vote in the event of a Senate deadlock and to preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College.


a vote is not even remotely the same.


Palin is a fucking idiot, Really all of the dumb ass Evangelical christian right lover her because shes a Jesus freak who went to a church that I would not be caught dead in. I rather goto Mr Wright's over any church that believes in Witchcraft and speaking in tounges.


Speaking in tounges is a plauge on christian because its forces people to do something they may not truly believe in to not be outcast by the others. I'm sorry Jabbering in a random noise is bull shit.

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She was talking to a 3rd grader. You need to take the answer in context with the question and who asked it.


Why are you so scared of trying something different? Bushes ideology has not worked. Period end of story. The republican party has had 8 years to try and fix shit. Time for a different approach (See what I did there I could have said change).

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Why are you so scared of trying something different? Bushes ideology has not worked. Period end of story. The republican party has had 8 years to try and fix shit. Time for a different approach (See what I did there I could have said change).

Two reasons, first of all I vote with my morals. That eliminates Obama quickly. Secondly, he is not offering anything new. It is all hype. Socialist governments always fail. History is a very good teacher.

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Why are you so scared of trying something different? Bushes ideology has not worked. Period end of story. The republican party has had 8 years to try and fix shit. Time for a different approach (See what I did there I could have said change).

In that case you would think the Democrats in the Senate would've done the same.

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Why do you say its hype? Because you don't like to think he could be right? That he could make a change for the better? I mean its very easy to dismiss a good idea.


Whats your moral issue with Obama?

1. Abortion

2. Socialism

3. Black Liberation Theology

4.Shady connections in the past


and other issues I have with him


This guy has done NOTHING to make him presidential material. He has been treated and viewed as a celebrity not a leader. Even Joe Biden agrees with that

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