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Another reason why Unions are the death of America


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you dont have a clue what you are talking about if it was not for unions companys would have you working for nothing unions keeps wages up you might not belive it but if you work for a company i hope you dont think they care about you if they could pay you $5.00 a hour they would

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you dont have a clue what you are talking about if it was not for unions companys would have you working for nothing unions keeps wages up you might not belive it but if you work for a company i hope you dont think they care about you if they could pay you $5.00 a hour they would




Unions get people pay they don't deserve. Unions had a purpose before the government took over work safety and minimum wage. Now unions have no purpose other than to ruin America. Fuck, don't believe me? Look at the UAW. They have single-handedly destroyed Detroit. Autoworkers are making $40/hr to tighten bolts. No wonder GM and Ford are laying everyone off and can't turn a profit. Did you know thanks to the union, if someone has to take a piss on the paint line, the entire line stops and waits? Businesses cannot survive by paying people more than they're worth and constantly having to jump through hoops to keep the unions happy.


So again I say fuck unions. I've never worked for a union, and I never will.

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+1 to brian... job security with a union is great, so are sweet pay raises, great benefits, etc etc....i think youre just jealous satan


I have great job security, nice annual pay raises, full benefits, etc. More importantly, I don't pay Social Security. So no, I'm not jealous. The union has tried to come in here, and we all said no.

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I have great job security, nice annual pay raises, full benefits, etc. More importantly, I don't pay Social Security. So no, I'm not jealous. The union has tried to come in here, and we all said no.

what kind of work do you do if you dont mind me asking

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I remember working at the ship-yard. I see a crane rigger sitting on his toolbox. I ask him what is up.


"This door needs to be taken off its hinges so I can get this electronics cabinette through and off the boat"


"So take it off."


"Oh, no, that is the Tin Knocker shop. I cannot cross lines like that"


"ok, go grab a cup of coffee in the crews mess, I will watch for the Tin Knocker"


"thanks man"


I open his tool box and use a screw driver to pop the pins on the hinges and remove the door....


The Tin Knocker assigned never did show up and that guy would have sat there all night making $60/hr, but nothing would have gotten done. That kind of thing closes businesses and then no one has a job.


Places where there are safety issues that no one else deals with, fire fighters for example, they can have a union to ensure the dept buys safety equipment. But state bargaining units for state employees and UAW that stuff, no reason.


I would like to form a bargaining unit to compete with the state employee's BU. I wonder if I could sue them for monopoly?

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Unions get people pay they don't deserve. Unions had a purpose before the government took over work safety and minimum wage. Now unions have no purpose other than to ruin America. Fuck, don't believe me? Look at the UAW. They have single-handedly destroyed Detroit. Autoworkers are making $40/hr to tighten bolts. No wonder GM and Ford are laying everyone off and can't turn a profit. Did you know thanks to the union, if someone has to take a piss on the paint line, the entire line stops and waits? Businesses cannot survive by paying people more than they're worth and constantly having to jump through hoops to keep the unions happy.


So again I say fuck unions. I've never worked for a union, and I never will.

Great post + rep for you sir!

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I fucking hated dealing with the union employees. So lazy, bitch about everything, hate doing the job i asked them to do, but if I'd try doing it for them, or just help them because they were getting blown out of the water with work, they'd file a grievance on me. I'm sorry i tried to help, holy shit. I "stole" work/hours.... work and hours that they were too big of pieces of shit to do a lot of the time and hours they wasted by going to take a piss 10 minutes after break just got over. Even when we'd try to give them recognition they complained because the could only have one hot dog, a bag of chips and one pop. I'm sorry we had 300 other employees to feed on that same shift. Finally we just quit doing it because we were sick of hearing their shit when we tried to reward them


That's why i did a lot of paper work and documentation because not even the union could protect them from being fired when I showed up to hearings with a stack of on job observations that showed incompetency, poor work ethic, unsafe acts and refusal to fix discussed problems.



Fuck unions



Oh and Tyler, you honestly think teamsters are the ones paying for your benefits? The company is paying for them, the union isn't paying for shit for you. The union there didn't even get the benefits for the employees to begin with. Your union stewards are the most crooked people you'll meet. They get paid off so often just to keep the supervisors out of trouble. Your pay raises aren't shit really. All the money you pay to the union each month, pretty much goes to the vacation funds of the heads of the teamsters union. They actually wanted me to tell you thanks for the new Benz too. And really, your job security isn't as good as you think, if your supe wants you gone, he/she just has to do some paper work, it's just most are too lazy to do it. I've seen union employees that have been there over 30 years lose their jobs just from some of the paperwork the supervisor did on them.


God I hate unions



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I have great job security, nice annual pay raises, full benefits, etc. More importantly, I don't pay Social Security. So no, I'm not jealous. The union has tried to come in here, and we all said no.


Thats because they don't want you to form a union. If unions were outlawed, theres a good chance a lot of employers would tell people to fuck themselves.

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unions had a time and place before there was regulation of hours and a minimum wage

now people who should make 10 or 12 bucks an hour get paid 30 and then wonder why the company they work for moved the entire factory to china ships the stuff 6000 miles and can still sell it for half price.


If I were gm, chrysler, ford, and some of these large contractors. I'd close for a little while like that steel plant in the south end did and then reopen with no union and offer people a job making less but with no union fees it worked here.

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Probably the one thing I hate about most with unions is you get these lazy bastards that dig in and you can't get rid of them and they don't do a damn thing to earn they pay they get.


My mom works at OSU, though not a union they are setup similarly in ways that it is very difficult to get rid of a bad employee. I remember her spending 18 months trying to get some lazy bitch in an office removed, it should never take that long to remove an employee when there's good reason for it.

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Umm? In case some of you don't know it, there are union and non-union jobs. Unions don't enforce fair treatment in-non union environments. Do we hear of non-union workers being unfairly treated? Hehe only if they are non-union working in a union plant:-)


There is also something called labor laws. Laws which didn't exist when unions where created. Today unions are nothing more than thugs forcing the largest American companies out of business and creating very difficult red tape and inefficiencies in work places.

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Looks like some people on here need a history lesson on Unions and the Economy.


If we didn't have unions, then the USA sure wouldn't be where we are today. Most of the people that bitch and complain about unions probably never been in one and dont understand the real reasons for one.


Sure times have changed and we dont need as many unions as 30-50 years ago, but some industries still need them because they will get fucked. It's not just about higher pay and protecting lazy fucks, theres a bit more to it than that.


Do some research before being so negative.

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Looks like some people on here need a history lesson on Unions and the Economy.


If we didn't have unions, then the USA sure wouldn't be where we are today. Most of the people that bitch and complain about unions probably never been in one and dont understand the real reasons for one.

I agree, we would not be were we are today. Ford, Gm and Chrysler would actually make money. 1/3 of the price of your car would not go for health and welfare plans for the workers. Prices would be lower and we would still have manufacturing jobs in the US. You are right, we would not be were we are today

Sure times have changed and we dont need as many unions as 30-50 years ago, but some industries still need them because they will get fucked. It's not just about higher pay and protecting lazy fucks, theres a bit more to it than that.


Do some research before being so negative.


As a former Teamster, I will tell you that the unions main purpose in todays age is to protect lazy workers, and milk the companies for every dime they can.

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I have great job security, nice annual pay raises, full benefits, etc. More importantly, I don't pay Social Security. So no, I'm not jealous. The union has tried to come in here, and we all said no.

the only reason you have what you have is because of the unions you better WAKE-UP if there was no UNIONS your company would not give you NOTHING...

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Probably the one thing I hate about most with unions is you get these lazy bastards that dig in and you can't get rid of them and they don't do a damn thing to earn they pay they get.


My mom works at OSU, though not a union they are setup similarly in ways that it is very difficult to get rid of a bad employee. I remember her spending 18 months trying to get some lazy bitch in an office removed, it should never take that long to remove an employee when there's good reason for it.

that part about some lazy people i do agree with. an i am union

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