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OSU VS Penn State Thread


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OSU looked good on defense all night, cant be mad at them for only allowing 13 points to a team that has torn apart every other team they have played, by scoring into the fucking 40's +


Penn's defense looked just as good as ours though, don't know if it was them, and conservative play calling, or our shitty line once again. i'm thinking the latter.


Pryor looked like shit, freshman mistakes abound, easily had a 1st down, only to cough up the fucking ball and give them excellent field position and the game winning score, he under-threw his receivers ALL night, including the most crucial throw.....the last one in the endzone


there goes our Big Ten Title, our Rose Bowl game, we have nothing left to play for except to beat up on the weakest Meatchicken team anyone has seen in years, and our 2 loss Buckeyes probably won't be able to pull a BCS bowl game now either.


end rant


To be blunt, our d looked like shit. I dont know the numbers but id say they averaged like 4-5 yds per play rushing. Pathetic for one of the "elite" defenses in football.

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Its hard to beat a team that doesn't make mistakes, I dont think PSU had 1 penalty, and unfortunately they didn't have one turnover either.

Pryor had the one big fumble and then the interception. And we had 2 big 15yd penalties on 3rd downs that allowed PSU to keep the drive alive and get scores, FG and TD.

I think it was an amazing game, defensive fuckin battle, but just too many mistakes

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OSU looked good on defense all night, cant be mad at them for only allowing 13 points to a team that has torn apart every other team they have played, by scoring into the fucking 40's +


Penn's defense looked just as good as ours though, don't know if it was them, and conservative play calling, or our shitty line once again. i'm thinking the latter.


Pryor looked like shit, freshman mistakes abound, easily had a 1st down, only to cough up the fucking ball and give them excellent field position and the game winning score, he under-threw his receivers ALL night, including the most crucial throw.....the last one in the endzone


there goes our Big Ten Title, our Rose Bowl game, we have nothing left to play for except to beat up on the weakest Meatchicken team anyone has seen in years, and our 2 loss Buckeyes probably won't be able to pull a BCS bowl game now either.


end rant


On the flip side, at least we might be better next year??


Not disapointed......I got what I expected. We were suppose to lose and we did. Both teams, well coached, well played........but the team that made less mistakes won, point blank.


No penalties, no turnovers.....and capitalizing on the other sides mishaps, sounds like a recipe for success.


Penn State was the better team last night. I still think we're a top 12-13 team. Let's go punch the Illini in the face!!!!

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When the opposing team is averaging 5 yards per first down play thats never a good thing. OSU might have the worst D line they have had in years. I didnt really think Gholston was going to be missed so much this year, but he really has been. There was so many missed tackles that its not even funny. The penaltys again killed OSU in a big game...go figure. The play calling of Tressle has to be stopped and given to someone who knows wtf they are doing. This guy hasnt won a big game outside of the NC game with Coopers boys and the Texas game in 06 when really Texas was rebuilding.


The play that cost OSU the game was the fumble of course. Why do you go around end on a 4th and 1 when your qb is 6'6 and your running back is 230lbs? Thats fucking rediculous. If they go up the gut and pick up the first down great, if not atleast OSU would've punted and pinned Penn State deep in their own territory. The D played amazing for the most part. You dont hold a team that has thrown up 45 points atleast on every opponenet to 1 TD without playing great D.


OSU will be facing a SEC team in whatever bowl game they go to wether it be the Outback or the Capital one game. More then likely they are going to the Capital One if they win out where they will face the 2nd place SEC team. So at this point its either going to be OSU vs Georgia, Florida or Alabama.

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Was at the game; it was disappointing to say the least. OSU deserved to lose, though. Can't score a touchdown? Um, you don't deserve to win, sorry.


OSU will still go to a BCS bowl if they win out and look convincing in the process, same as what happened in 2005 - we lost to Texas and Penn State that same year (and, ironically, both of those defeats also involved a fumble late in the game by OSU's quarter back), and still went on to play ND in the Fiesta Bowl. OSU is a huge draw, the BCS knows it, so an at large bid will come our way.

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Yeah, I see this year mostly as rebuilding. And, yeah, Pryor's two big mistakes were costly - the fumble and the interception - but I can't be too hard on him; he's young, and he was trying to make something happen. Those kind of things will happen when you're a true freshman quarterback at one of the top five premier college football powerhouses in the county.


Now, the coaching on the other hand...WTF? Are the offensive coaches even trying anymore? Seriously, I could call plays that badly; give me a million plus and a headset, and I can stink just as bad.

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When the opposing team is averaging 5 yards per first down play thats never a good thing. OSU might have the worst D line they have had in years. I didnt really think Gholston was going to be missed so much this year, but he really has been. There was so many missed tackles that its not even funny. The penaltys again killed OSU in a big game...go figure. The play calling of Tressle has to be stopped and given to someone who knows wtf they are doing. This guy hasnt won a big game outside of the NC game with Coopers boys and the Texas game in 06 when really Texas was rebuilding.


The play that cost OSU the game was the fumble of course. Why do you go around end on a 4th and 1 when your qb is 6'6 and your running back is 230lbs? Thats fucking rediculous. If they go up the gut and pick up the first down great, if not atleast OSU would've punted and pinned Penn State deep in their own territory. The D played amazing for the most part. You dont hold a team that has thrown up 45 points atleast on every opponenet to 1 TD without playing great D.


OSU will be facing a SEC team in whatever bowl game they go to wether it be the Outback or the Capital one game. More then likely they are going to the Capital One if they win out where they will face the 2nd place SEC team. So at this point its either going to be OSU vs Georgia, Florida or Alabama.


Well best case scenario PSu goes to NC game, then we get to go to the rose bowl as long as we win out. Which even at the beginning of the season I said I'd rather fo to the rose bowl, less hype, give us a break from SEC crap, and Tressel has never been to the rose bowl, its a big OSU tradition he needs to get in on.

And as far as going around, that was a great play call with a bad result. Penn state had no idea pryor was going to do that, because they were saying the same thing you did. The PSu guy, i cant rememer was it bowman?, knocked it out perfectly. If he would have tackled a little higher or a little lower, pryor would have held the ball and had the 5 yd gain, or even broke free.

Overall though, yes the play calling has been terrible, but I thought yesterday was a big improvement we just couldnt get the running game going because of their D.

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I hope people aren't just realizing that Pryor can't throw the football deep.That is his weakness.He's good for 15-20 yards max and then he looks like my 7 yr old son (actually my son can throw a tight spiral about as far as Pryor).It's sad they couldn't get in the end zone,Michigan did it twice in the first half.
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Supposedly Pryor can throw it 60+ yards....I find it hard to believe that. I was sitting in the endzone where the last play went down. Had that been Robiske he was throwing to, honestly it might have been caught! It doesnt matter what Bowl Game OSU goes to at this point, because it will be a masacre for them. If they goto the Rose Bowl they will face USC who will clobber them again. If they goto the Capital One game they will have to face the 2nd place SEC team who will clobber them. I have some more random thoughts on the game:


Let me start by saying that our offensive line is the weakest line I have ever seen at OSU. You have a heisman potential running back and you do nothing to help him out. You have a game breaking qb and you let him run for his life time after time. I just dont get it honestly, Penn States D is not that good OSU's line just made them look that much better.


The coaching in this game was the worst I have seen all year outside of the USC game. Its 3rd and 1 and you run around the end? What the hell are you really thinking, you have a 6'6 qb and a 231lb running back. Take it up the gut, if you dont get the 1st down then you punt and put them deep in their own territory. The D had been holding them all night. No way would they have marched down the field 70-80 yards against the D on saturday.


We need a new D coordinator to be blunt ours flat out sucks. The D gave up from what I could tell on average of 5 yards every first down play. There was no blitzing just a whole lot of soft zone. The D wouldnt scare most highschool teams let alone a quality opponent like Penn State.


Marley Wells just needs to be benched! The kid does nothing good except maybe get a 5 yard run once a year. I dont give a damn that he is a senior and tress holds his seniors high in heart. Your a coach, your job is to win football games, put the best available talent out there to do so. I dont care what anyone on this board says, Maurice Wells is not better then the other guys on the roster that could return kicks.


The crowd was pretty good for the most part. Nothing like Penn States crowd when they have a white out, but better then most other saturdays in the shoe. The redout was a pretty cool idea although I think the white outs are cooler.


I do not put the loss on Pryors shoulders he was just a big part in it. If the coach wouldnt have called that stupid ass play we'd all be looking at Pryor as a god and Tressle as a genious who won a big game. But instead were all sitting here debating on what went wrong saturday.


I have come to the realization that football is just a 3hour escape from reality for most people. So honestly you shouldnt take it that seriously. The game bars no impact on your life, you still woke up today able to read everyones thoughts and go on with your life. Sure it stinks to see a team that you cheer for lose, but you know going into the game that someone has to lose. Deep down you know that it could be your team losing, you just dont wanna have to come to terms with it.


Go Bucks!

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Supposedly Pryor can throw it 60+ yards....I find it hard to believe that. I was sitting in the endzone where the last play went down. Had that been Robiske he was throwing to, honestly it might have been caught! It doesnt matter what Bowl Game OSU goes to at this point, because it will be a masacre for them. If they goto the Rose Bowl they will face USC who will clobber them again. If they goto the Capital One game they will have to face the 2nd place SEC team who will clobber them. I have some more random thoughts on the game:


Let me start by saying that our offensive line is the weakest line I have ever seen at OSU. You have a heisman potential running back and you do nothing to help him out. You have a game breaking qb and you let him run for his life time after time. I just dont get it honestly, Penn States D is not that good OSU's line just made them look that much better.


The coaching in this game was the worst I have seen all year outside of the USC game. Its 3rd and 1 and you run around the end? What the hell are you really thinking, you have a 6'6 qb and a 231lb running back. Take it up the gut, if you dont get the 1st down then you punt and put them deep in their own territory. The D had been holding them all night. No way would they have marched down the field 70-80 yards against the D on saturday.


We need a new D coordinator to be blunt ours flat out sucks. The D gave up from what I could tell on average of 5 yards every first down play. There was no blitzing just a whole lot of soft zone. The D wouldnt scare most highschool teams let alone a quality opponent like Penn State.


Marley Wells just needs to be benched! The kid does nothing good except maybe get a 5 yard run once a year. I dont give a damn that he is a senior and tress holds his seniors high in heart. Your a coach, your job is to win football games, put the best available talent out there to do so. I dont care what anyone on this board says, Maurice Wells is not better then the other guys on the roster that could return kicks.


The crowd was pretty good for the most part. Nothing like Penn States crowd when they have a white out, but better then most other saturdays in the shoe. The redout was a pretty cool idea although I think the white outs are cooler.


I do not put the loss on Pryors shoulders he was just a big part in it. If the coach wouldnt have called that stupid ass play we'd all be looking at Pryor as a god and Tressle as a genious who won a big game. But instead were all sitting here debating on what went wrong saturday.


I have come to the realization that football is just a 3hour escape from reality for most people. So honestly you shouldnt take it that seriously. The game bars no impact on your life, you still woke up today able to read everyones thoughts and go on with your life. Sure it stinks to see a team that you cheer for lose, but you know going into the game that someone has to lose. Deep down you know that it could be your team losing, you just dont wanna have to come to terms with it.


Go Bucks!


Excellent post.

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Marley Wells just needs to be benched! The kid does nothing good except maybe get a 5 yard run once a year. I dont give a damn that he is a senior and tress holds his seniors high in heart. Your a coach, your job is to win football games, put the best available talent out there to do so. I dont care what anyone on this board says, Maurice Wells is not better then the other guys on the roster that could return kicks.


He could actually get some yards if Tressel would ever use a play designed for a guy like him, instead of using him like Beanie trying to go up the middle. Mo is too small for that.

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Was at the game. Row one, ten yrd line behind the bucks bench. That was the loudest crowd I've ever been a part of. The atmosphere was electric and it was the most exciting low scoring game I've ever seen. I was proud to be a Buckeye on Saturday.


Couple of thoughts.


1. Do we have a toss sweep play in the book? Or Tight Ends for the matter?

2. Brian Browning is the worst O-lineman I've ever seen. PSU didnt blitz and TP was pressured all night.

3. Not sure I undertand the time outs on the PSU TD drive. Why call timeout on first down when playclock is only at 25? Doesnt the play clock go to 45 on 2nd down?

4. I second the motion that Mo wells is useless.

5. Finally, Tress has a Ferrari and he rode TP like a scooter. The MSU game was vintage TP. Bootlegs, crossing routes, play action! Don't make him into something he is not at this point in his career. Let him learn how to throw deep this winter!


End Rant.


Buckeye fan for life. Let's win out, beat Mich and enjoy a bowl game without all the pressure.

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Not even close, like Kenny said, all Cooper did was recruit well. That's it.


Cooper had a pretty good win percentage. Something like .700 i think. He just couldnt win the good games. Sound framiliar? Michigan isnt a big game anymore < true story. Michigan will hopefully be a good game again in 2 years when RRod gets his playbook fully open with his players.

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Jason, completely agree with you as well. I've been screaming for a sweep play since the early 1990s. Apparently, Tressel and Cooper have that in common: a refusal to run anything outside of the tackles.


Mo Wells is useless, but, like Kenny said, he'll always be useless if we keep trying to use him like a Beanie Wells.


Again, I'm putting this loss on coaching, and I completely agree with Jason's analogy of TP, the ferrari, and the scooter.


I'm definitely disappointed, but I can't help but be optimistic about the future. We'll smoke the next three opponents, and I still think we'll find our way into the BCS - especially if Penn State goes to the Nat'l Championship game.

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