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anyone here keep junk? every so often i try to make a point to clear out a lot of the clutter in my apartment, and when i get done, i realize a) i haven't gotten rid of much and b) i seem to keep a lot of useless stuff.


i go through it, and think of some reason to continue to have it taking up space. anyone got any tips for getting rid of clutter?

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junk.....wait until you have kids. most of it then is expensive stuff not just junk. key is to wait until the wife is gone and trick is to do it little by little. craigs list and kid stores ;)


seriously, just go room by room area by area and put categories onto stuff. keepers that you use regularly-keep, stuff that is minimally used but worth something-keep and store away and junk being stuff that hardly ever is used but worth something to someone else-sell, the rest is pure junk....toss it and never look back.


just accept that murphy's law will kick in towards something you sold or tossed. usually within 30 days. :rolleyes: it happens.....


anyone here keep junk? every so often i try to make a point to clear out a lot of the clutter in my apartment, and when i get done, i realize a) i haven't gotten rid of much and b) i seem to keep a lot of useless stuff.


i go through it, and think of some reason to continue to have it taking up space. anyone got any tips for getting rid of clutter?

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IM the same way, I have 3 old Verizon phone, like 4 old Nextel phones, and like maybe 1 of the old Verizon phones work, 3 of the old nextel phones work, I have spare car-parts from my old v8 s-10, I have bunch of spare DSM parts for my car (its a DSM gotta have em stashed around somewhere) I have about 6yrs of, Hot Rod, Chevy Hi Performance, Super Chevy, Car Craft magazines, along with about 2yrs of Maxium, Stuff & FHM and about oh say maybe 10yrs of CGI and Game Informer, I cant seem to throw shit out like the rest of you guys.



Now on the other hand my Dad is 10x worse than I am with keeping stuff. when he was in highschool he had a 62 Nova well he has a clutch pedal assembly and bellhousing for the car still to this day and he graduated in 1971!!!!

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my dads aunt had some sort of disease she wouldn't throw anything away. when she died, we went to the house, first time anyone had been there since my uncle 15 years prior. from her back door she had a 6" path thru her kitchen to her bedroom, it Y-ed off to the room or the bathroom. half her bed was covered, she slept on the other half, washed her clothes in the tub.


6 of us spent a full day going thru stuff making sure not to throw out anything important, we got through the kitchen and dining room, which was maybe 8x10. kitchen not much bigger. i think it took 4 months in all to clean out the whole house. she had saved every cleveland news herald from the early 60's to the time she died. they covered the steps going up to her attic. nuts

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I hord(sp) almost everything that may at some point be useful. I also have a bad habit of thinking/trying to sale stuff but I am so impatient, that if it doesnt sale quickly, I say hell with it and put it back in the garage. I have recently started saying hell with it and just giving stuff away as in my garage sale thread. My garage has never been so organized. You get to a point where you just have to say hell with it and just trash it. You will feel better for it once its all gone.
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