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Girl deserved to get raped?


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This is why I hate stupid fucking holier then though bigoted Christians. I think shit like this is a plague on society and I rather have a group of atheists around me any day of the week if this is "Christianity"



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How's this for Christian compassion: A girl makes friends with a guy on Facebook. They decide to go out on a date. When they meet, the guy brutally rapes her. A demon emerges from the shadows, sneering, and tells her she deserved it. It's her fault she was raped. She shouldn't have agreed to meet someone from one of those sinful online communities.


Next up? A young girl is sexually assaulted by a family member and in despair commits suicide. She is promptly consigned to the fires of hell for an eternity of pain and suffering.


Welcome to Hell House - The Devil's Playground, a production of Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas. For 17 years this Pentecostal place of worship has produced Halloween hell houses designed to scare the bejesus out of youths 13-years-old and up. Director of Student Ministries Carlos Ortiz directed the seven outlandish and grisly skits that are performed nightly inside the church's "haunted house."


Says Ortiz: "We don't do it to scare people. The scary part about the Hell House is the reality that we portray." (No, Mr. Ortiz, that's not the scary part. The scary part is that deranged individuals like yourself feel compelled to create these grotesque exhibitions in order to frighten youngsters into following your church's narrow social agenda.)

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If this wasn't someone that was associated with a church you would find it totally acceptable.





I would never think its ok to codem someone for being rapped.


Fuck that, I will not lie I hold christians to a higher moral standard on the things they spew. Why ? Because they put there self on that standard not me.

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Your acting like that's all christians. That's not at all. I put that right on line with Westboro Baptist Church. They're not Christians. They may say they are but anyone with that much hatred and stupidity is obviously pointed in the wrong direction.
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I specified I don't hate all christians Specifcaly the type I described.


The sad part Is I've been to a hell house and they did this shit.


I hate you if your church supports this type of bull shit.

I hate you if your church preaches about homos more then it preaches about christ

I hate you if your church feels they need to impose there "MORALS" on others.


Worship your god and leave me alone is a good way to look at it ?

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