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lawyer needed. ( reckless opps)


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ok so driving a friends car i got a reckless ops ticket. now. the officer is claiming i was revving my engine and burning out. here is what i did. i pulled out of my parking spot. stopped at cross section of my school parking lot. then pulled out and stayed in first gear and gentle till the rpms were higher. then shifted and straight to 4th. stopped at end of parking lot. pulled out onto main road and hear tires squealing behind me.( officer came flying through the parking lot atleast going 40 at the minimum. he should be the one with a reckless ops ticket imo.) lights and all so i pull over. he walks up and gose that was the stupidest thing ive ever seen. no i DID NOT burnout, squeal the tires nor was i doing 50+ mph in a SCHOOL parking lot like he claims i was. there are NO burnout marks where i was.


now this was in a mustang GT with a h pipe and borla cat back so its LOUD. i cant tell you how many time people have screamed slow down asshole to me when i drive this thing even going 5mph in a parking lot. it just sounds like your haulin ass.


i want to get a laywer for this becasue i DO NOT want to lose my licence because of this when i did not do what he states i did. there is no law that requires me to shift or states what gear i have to be in so i think this is BS.


his exact words. ( when my mom called and talked to him ) i was impressed with how well it handled since you didnt go side ways. my thought..yeah.. i wasn't sideways because i was not burning out, peeling out or anything of that nature.


4511.20 is the code i was cited with. other then that just says reckless opps.


now also. he wrote down on the citation the year of the car wrong.


anyways. i want a lawyer. anyone on here got one of these? i have questions. if anyone can point me in the direction of a good lawyer id appreciate it.

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He could've written down the color of the car wrong, that wont help you out. Your best best is to goto court for your initial hearing and plead not guilty. This will give you a continuance. Then get you a lawyer and they will work their magic to get the ticket dropped to a lesser charge. Your not going to get out of it completely cause the system still wants their money. You will just get a lesser charge.


I got a speeding charge and the cop came to court and told the judge "I seen Mr. Moores silver honda coming up the on ramp" I raised my hand and politely explained to the judge that "there was no way he saw my silver car coming up the ramp because my car is black" the judge told me that was irrelevant. This happened when I was 17 btw.

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you will have a pm when I get off of work. I had a similar problem before



ill be waiting. thank you!



i wasent. honestly. i wasent thats what makes me mad. if i was then i would suck it up and admit i did something stupid. but i didnt. i simply did not shift. and first of all. first gear to 50 mph. not gonna happen!

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ill be waiting. thank you!



i wasent. honestly. i wasent thats what makes me mad. if i was then i would suck it up and admit i did something stupid. but i didnt. i simply did not shift. and first of all. first gear to 50 mph. not gonna happen!


Wtf is a wasent?


Get a lawyer and fight it but it is gonna cost you.


Loud car/young kid/driving in first gear.......


You may not have done what the officer said but you were a target cause of the above reasons.

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Wtf is a wasent?


Get a lawyer and fight it but it is gonna cost you.


Loud car/young kid/driving in first gear.......


You may not have done what the officer said but you were a target cause of the above reasons.


and those are prob gonna be the same reasons you end up getting something rather then nothing out of this.

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Wtf is a wasent?


Get a lawyer and fight it but it is gonna cost you.


Loud car/young kid/driving in first gear.......


You may not have done what the officer said but you were a target cause of the above reasons.


wasn't* sorry.

and yeah i know. when my old mustang got totaled. (not my fault) the lady tried to claim i was going 50+ in a 25.... :mad:


i plan to. i just want to get a good lawyer. i know it wont get dropped completly but i want no point and a no moving vilation. id rather have to pay then lose my licence. im 16 so yeah. court date is the 19th...my bday is the 20th...happy fucking birthday to me.


anyone on here a lawyer? or point me in the direction of one thats delt with someone you have know and got them off a reckless ops?

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Guest tbutera2112
do you want the name and number of the lawyer i used when i was a minor? he got reckless op and drag racing combined and dropped to a 51 in a 35 speeding ticket...then referred me to his assosciate who got 81 in a 65, unnecessary squeeling of tires, headlight violation, and failure to signal all dropped to just speeding and the headlight ticket *non moving violation*.... good work, flat rate is $500 per ticket and they were both very professional and kept me out of a lot of trouble...he also handled my dads dui/hitskip ticket
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do you want the name and number of the lawyer i used when i was a minor? he got reckless op and drag racing combined and dropped to a 51 in a 35 speeding ticket...then referred me to his assosciate who got 81 in a 65, unnecessary squeeling of tires, headlight violation, and failure to signal all dropped to just speeding and the headlight ticket *non moving violation*.... good work, flat rate is $500 per ticket and they were both very professional and kept me out of a lot of trouble...he also handled my dads dui/hitskip ticket



yes please PM there names and number and your name and ill tell them you sent me.

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Id pay the ticket if I were you


On private property you can be cited for 5 things:


Hit Skip

Reckless Op

No ops


Operating without regard (doing donuts....stuff like that)



i have no problem paying it whatever i have to.

i dont want the points or to lose my licence or for my rates to sky rocket. ecpeicaly since i did not do what he said. if i cant get this dropped i will be forced to sell my mustang :mad:

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ok lets look at the facts here: 16 year old kid and a mustang GT


and the cop is totally making everything up?


ill believe that when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbert.



ok go for it bud. i stayed in first gear and wound it out slowly. no on it at all. i was beside the stadium which is brick so i know that didn't help the noise level. i did not burnout. nor was i going 50. bad assumption on his part imo becasue he is going off sound.

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You dont need a laywer. Use one of your parents.


For those suggesting a lawyer because of whatever reasons...I represented myself on a drag racing case and had it dismissed.



well my dads being a dick and refuses to talk to me so whatever with his ass.

mom...yeah right. im getting a lawyer unless i can call the prosecutor and get them to drop it to a non moving violation with no points and ill pay an fine and would take a class or something. either way im getting screwed over imo since i did not do a burnout or go 50 in a parking lot. why would i. i KNOW this cop is there every day. the car was LOUD and that's why he singled me out!

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I'm not calling you out as a liar, but dude, honestly, something isn't right with your story. who the hell slowly winds out a mustang like you described. that's like saying you've never jerked off but enjoy getting morning wood....just doesn't make sense.


I can see you getting hassled by a cop given the situation, but a WO?????


ok go for it bud. i stayed in first gear and wound it out slowly. no on it at all. i was beside the stadium which is brick so i know that didn't help the noise level. i did not burnout. nor was i going 50. bad assumption on his part.
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