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Let's get Rick fired up!


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I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


That, or you're just a bunch of sore fucking losers. Obama won, get over it already.

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I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


That, or you're just a bunch of sore fucking losers. Obama won, get over it already.


I agree completely.

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I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.

Your confusion is questionable. Any person who lives in the United States is touting some aspect of the constitution simply by living and working here, therefore everyone is being virtuous. I'm also finding it difficult how it can be hypocritical to question any current government because of their lack of following of a 200+ year-old document that they're supposedly following.


That, or you're just a bunch of sore fucking losers. Obama won, get over it already.

Great political input. It's disturbing to know that there are some citizens that accept any politician that's thrown in to presidency or any office.

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Great political input. It's disturbing to know that there are some citizens that accept any politician that's thrown in to presidency or any office.


The same people saying this now are the people who said exactly what Johnny Bravo did except with "Bush won, get the fuck over it" for the past 8 years.

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So far I think the liberal dream team is locked in.

Obama- Center

Biden- left wing

Hillary- right wing

Pelosi- goalie

I'll figure out the defensive players later.


Clearly the defensive players are often loved-by-conservatives Jim Jones and Robert Gates. Obama's at least smart enough to reach across the aisle for security help.

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The same people saying this now are the people who said exactly what Johnny Bravo did except with "Bush won, get the fuck over it" for the past 8 years.

Umm, no. Anybody who doesn't bitch about something with their government is an idiot. They take their freedoms for granted.

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I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.

I've always been a little confused by people that are willing to walk all over the constitution, degrade the moral values of the United States, and then wonder why we have so many problems here. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


I also have been a little confused by people that constantly criticized the Bush administration and refused to "come together" behind our current president, but now have changed their story and want us to come together behind Obama. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.

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I've always been a little confused by people who, on the one hand, tout the virtues of the United States Constitution, yet, on the other hand, take every opportunity to slander the United States government. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


That, or you're just a bunch of sore fucking losers. Obama won, get over it already.

I could care less now that he won personally. I was stating the obvious, but nobody seemed to care about the things that were said about Bush. Some of the shit I've heard is down right treason.

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Your confusion is questionable. Any person who lives in the United States is touting some aspect of the constitution simply by living and working here, therefore everyone is being virtuous.


Yes, I'm confused; what the fuck are you talking about? What the hell does "touting some aspect of the constitution" mean, and how does that have anything to do with "being virtuous?" Seriously, make sense, dude, or just don't talk.

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Today the supreme court is meeting to determine to hear Berg v. Obama. On top of Berg v. Obama there are another 15-20 case heading toward the supreme court regarding Obama's citizenship status.

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I've always been a little confused by people that are willing to walk all over the constitution, degrade the moral values of the United States, and then wonder why we have so many problems here. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


Here's a classic example of Rick's mouth moving but nothing worthwhile coming out. How exactly does one "walk all over the constitution?" Seriously, how? What, can we just ignore it - is that how we walk all over it? And what's this about "degrading moral values?" Hey, look, another vagary! You're using words but aren't really saying much. In the end, it just seems like you think that your opinions are more than just opinions, but are, instead, reality. "Hey, I think this way, so therefore that must be the way it is!" It's the same flawed line of reasoning used by people with schizophrenia. Congratulations, your logical deduction skills are on par with someone with systematized delusions.


I also have been a little confused by people that constantly criticized the Bush administration and refused to "come together" behind our current president, but now have changed their story and want us to come together behind Obama. The First Amendment in action, I suppose, but still a little hypocritical.


Okay, now this makes some sense - I can actually buy into what you're saying here. Of course, you've said it in response to my quote, which seems to imply that I've criticized the Bush administration previously but now heap praise on the Obama administration. That would be misleading.

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Wow a political thread turn religious, not started by me. who would ever guess?


I say Ben and Thorne get a 3 day vacation for starting political then turning it religious.


I said nothing political I was 100% on topic. Lets get rick stirred up. =)

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Umm, no. Anybody who doesn't bitch about something with their government is an idiot. They take their freedoms for granted.


This is something that a first-year political science college student would say. Someone who thinks they have this really awesome grasp on American politics but, in the end, just does a lot of pandering. Bitching just to bitch is just bitching, you moron. No, it's not patriotic, no it's not the "American thing to do," no, it's just fucking stupid.

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Here's a classic example of Rick's mouth moving but nothing worthwhile coming out. How exactly does one "walk all over the constitution?" Seriously, how? What, can we just ignore it - is that how we walk all over it? And what's this about "degrading moral values?" Hey, look, another vagary! You're using words but aren't really saying much. In the end, it just seems like you think that your opinions are more than just opinions, but are, instead, reality. "Hey, I think this way, so therefore that must be the way it is!" It's the same flawed line of reasoning used by people with schizophrenia. Congratulations, your logical deduction skills are on par with someone with systematized delusions.

A fine example of Johnnybravos weak brain. The post was meant to be vague. Your grandiose delusions are showing. Your problem is you think too much of yourself. Self esteem is good, but you take it too far.


Okay, now this makes some sense - I can actually buy into what you're saying here. Of course, you've said it in response to my quote, which seems to imply that I've criticized the Bush administration previously but now heap praise on the Obama administration. That would be misleading.

I was not implying you said those things I was being vague, all the while mocking you.

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A fine example of Johnnybravos weak brain. The post was meant to be vague. Your grandiose delusions are showing. Your problem is you think too much of yourself. Self esteem is good, but you take it too far.


I was not implying you said those things I was being vague, all the while mocking you.


So, you're saying that you really didn't have anything worthwhile to say and were just going out of your way to make fun of me. And you wonder why people have such negative things to say about you.


Again, you've derailed a perfectly decent conversation. Congratulations are again in order.

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So, you're saying that you really didn't have anything worthwhile to say and were just going out of your way to make fun of me. And you wonder why people have such negative things to say about you.


Again, you've derailed a perfectly decent conversation. Congratulations are again in order.


I missed you Tilley. :cool:


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So, you're saying that you really didn't have anything worthwhile to say and were just going out of your way to make fun of me. And you wonder why people have such negative things to say about you.


Again, you've derailed a perfectly decent conversation. Congratulations are again in order.

Unlike you, I dont care what other people think of me. I am not that self absorbed to worry about what the "grand tilley" thinks of me.


You can draw you own conclusions about what walking over the constitution means. There are enough example out there to keep you busy for awhile. I don't think there are many people that would disagree that morally our county is not what it was in the 1930's. Then we had men that were men, not metrosexual like you. By having strong men our country was a better place.


Of course I will leave my opinion of cause of this degradation of manhood vague for you to draw your own conclusions.

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