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High School Reunions


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I gradutated in 91. I haven't been to one, yet, though I've been invited to 3. With my moving around so much while in school and while out, it's usually way to inconvenient to go. Would I if I could? Yeah, I might. THere may be a couple women I never got around to while in school who may still look good. And who knows, you may have a good time. Unless you were just an unpopular ass, then you should probably just stay home. I'm not there to compare wealth, I'm there to party till Im bored. I don't care. Hell, I don't even remember most of the names of the women I've dated/slept with let alone those remember the names of most of those I just attended with.
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You should see that place now.. :(


Groveport Madison High School, class of 1992. Fucking Cruiser spirit, bitches.


Yup, went to my 10 year reunion and had a pretty good time right up until my g/f at that time got pissed at some other chick for putting her hands on me and they almost fought. What can I say? Chicks dig the Johnny B. Or Groveport girls are just desperate and crazy. Anyway, I think going to reunions are great - provided (1) you genuinely want to reconnect with someone and/or (2) have kept yourself in shape and want to rub it in.

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I got hammer smashed drunk at my 10 year. I actually showed up at the bar and began drinking a couple hours prior to the event. I vaguely remember falling down on the dance floor and being driven back to pick up my jeep the next morning.


For some reason, I didn't get invited back for a 15 year. Odd.


Maysville 92

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What is the point in going to a reunion? If you wanted to associate with the folks you went to High School with, you would in your normal life.


I could give a fuck what the "Class Clown", "The Jock", "Prom Queen" or any other fucking person has done with their life.





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What is the point in going to a reunion? If you wanted to associate with the folks you went to High School with, you would in your normal life.


I could give a fuck what the "Class Clown", "The Jock", "Prom Queen" or any other fucking person has done with their life.






I bet you were really popular in high school.

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I bet you were really popular in high school.


Eh..... I was okay. I was THE fat kid in 9 & 10. 11 & 12 I got into martial arts and lost a LOT of weight. Due to being the fat kid, and being funny and light hearted, lots of cute girls talkled to me because they saw me as no threat. That helped :D Then, in the later years they still talked to me. As with many, there were their cliques, and in mine..... I was guess I was popular. Most knew who I was (Hilliard High School - 1996). Sure, some hated me (for whatever reason) but most would talk and or associate with me.




With that being said, if I do not talk to them in regular life, why the fuck would I want to go and hang with them, just to relive highschool?





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there's two considerations:

1) Open bar? Yes = consider it, no = fuck it.


2) Fuck it.


edit: I hate my HS experience. If I want to reconnect I'll do it on my own damn time. For my 10 yr reunion I'll probably just host a party at the same time in a bar where my group of friends can go to get shitfaced without dealing with people we don't like.

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Ive found that in most cases, ive fallen out of touch with people for a reason. The people i want in my life, are.


Theres nothing worse than hanging out with an old buddy, only to have the painful realization of why you stopping talking to this person in the first place.


So, no i wont be going to any of them.

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Ive found that in most cases, ive fallen out of touch with people for a reason. The people i want in my life, are.


exactly. i could give two shits about anyone i went to HS with. the only ones care to see, i see on a regular basis.


i graduated from new albany in 99.

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I went to my 5th year and was un comfortable because I boned a few chicks my senior year that I never called or talked too again, so I was always that "asshole " .......I ended up seeing 2 of the girls that is now married and has kids, and she acted like it was still 7th period class, was a total bitch to me and even wrote me a email on myspace, on how im a dickhead lol....... everyone either got super fat , super ugly, drug addicts lol or people that act like there rich now.
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Class of '00 for me -- 10 yr approaching. I'm not sure if I'll even go when the time comes. I went to Gahanna, and had a graduating class of around 600 give or take 30-50. Needless to say I didn't really know about 580 of them. Aside from 4 or 5 that I actually hung out with, all the rest either never were a blip on my radar or were complete assholes who weren't worthy of a moment of my time. So having said that, it's doubtful I'll go as I doubt most of them have become worth my time in the years that have passed. :)
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