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High School Reunions


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This is more for the 10+ years out of high school peeps.


Would you go to your 10 year high school reunion? I've been out for 15 year and have ZERO desire to go back and see all the retards I went to high school with.


Have you gone back? What was it like? I would like to go back, but the other side of me is thinking why?


What about you?


And if you're 21 and you say "yeah I'd go". Fuck off. This is more for the older crowd.

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This is more for the 10+ years out of high school peeps.


Would you go to your 10 year high school reunion? I've been out for 15 year and have ZERO desire to go back and see all the retards I went to high school with.


Have you gone back? What was it like? I would like to go back, but the other side of me is thinking why?


What about you?


And if you're 21 and you say "yeah I'd go". Fuck off. This is more for the older crowd.


I went for the 10yr, but now that I'm approaching the fucking 20yr reunion, I don't know if I can pull myself to going. I keep in touch with 1-2 guys from back then.


We had a small class. 82 students and with it being an all guys Catholic School in Cleveland...too much old-school testosterone will be there. I really don't need to know how well everyone is doing, who owns what house where, etc...and at my 10yr, that's all anyone did was rapp about themselves....I could care less really and don't need to blow my own horn.


Besides, I will feel old if I go. Way old.

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I will never go back to see any of the people that I went to high school with. High school was the worst 4 years of my life.

I graduated from Eastmoor in 91. Where did everyone else go?


Don't change the topic lol.


But yeah I don't really talk to anyone now that I would need to talk to 10+ years later. If I did see them I'd probably punch them in the face.


Back to V8kilr.. i went to Westerville South. Class of '94. :)

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I'm about 2 years away from the 10 year reunion and I doubt that I would go.


1. I can see what most of the people I went to high school has/is doing on social networking websites.


2. the only other reason for going is to see how much better I'm doing that anyone else. i.e. the hot cheerleader who is now fat and has 3 kids.

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I'm going to go to mine, assuming we even have one. The person in charge is a retard.


High school was probably the most fun four years of my life, had a lot of cool people in my class - a lot of them I still hang out with.


That and I want to see her... http://www.amyschmid.com


fucking eww

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Don't change the topic lol.


But yeah I don't really talk to anyone now that I would need to talk to 10+ years later. If I did see them I'd probably punch them in the face.


Back to V8kilr.. i went to Westerville South. Class of '94. :)

sorry about the thread jack

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i'm in the same boat, kinda want to kick it, see who shows, and see some old friends, but i can catch most of them on Myspace or other sites.

i could give a fuck how good/bad everyone else is doing.

if i go i just want to kinda chill and have a drink, not gloat and self promote, like i know most of the asshats will be doing


West High Class of 1999

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Went to the wife's 10 year, and it pretty well sucked. Stole a bunch of commemorative plastic cups for the kids to use, but that was really about it. Didn't make it back for mine, from what I've been able to gather, I didn't miss much. I still keep in touch with almost everyone that I'd care to talk to while there, so there really isn't much need for the whole class reunion thing.


Funny thing I saw at my wife's reunion was that it was just like the cafeteria when we were in high school. The old cliques were so clearly defined, it was like stepping through a time warp.

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I just went to my 10 year reunion last Saturday. At first when my wife said something about going I told her no and had no intention of going. But a couple friend's of ours gave us a call and asked us to go to dinner with them first. So i ended up going anyways. I got totally shit faced and had a fucking blast. (take into consideration that my class partyed at their 5 year and had this one at a local Pub in Maryland where we are from)
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i dont know if we had a 5 yr one but i didnt go. and i might go to the 10 yr one if i'm with a hot guy that's successful. gotta show off a bit. otherwise im not going... haha


You have a PM with my "Man Whore For The Night" rates... :D

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Groveport Madison High School, class of 1992. Fucking Cruiser spirit, bitches.


Yup, went to my 10 year reunion and had a pretty good time right up until my g/f at that time got pissed at some other chick for putting her hands on me and they almost fought. What can I say? Chicks dig the Johnny B. Or Groveport girls are just desperate and crazy. Anyway, I think going to reunions are great - provided (1) you genuinely want to reconnect with someone and/or (2) have kept yourself in shape and want to rub it in.

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