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O.J. Simpson sentenced to at least 15 years


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LAS VEGAS – A broken O.J. Simpson was sentenced Friday to at least 15 years in prison for a hotel armed robbery after a judge rejected his apology and said, "It was much more than stupidity."


The 61-year-old football Hall of Famer stood shackled and stone-faced when Judge Jackie Glass quickly rattled off his punishment soon after he made a rambling, five-minute plea for leniency, choking back tears as he told her: "I didn't want to steal anything from anyone. ... I'm sorry, sorry."


The judge said several times that her sentence in the Las Vegas case had nothing to do with Simpson's 1994 acquittal in the slaying of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.


"I'm not here to try and cause any retribution or any payback for anything else," Glass said.


Simpson was immediately led away to prison after the judge refused to permit him to go free on bail while he appeals.


Simpson's co-defendant and former golfing buddy, Clarence "C.J. Stewart, also was sentenced to at least 15 years.


Outside court, Goldman's father, Fred Goldman, and sister, Kim, said they were thrilled with the sentence.


"There's never closure. Ron is always gone. What we have is satisfaction that this monster is where he belongs behind bars," Fred Goldman said.


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I have always wondered why people took this stuff so personally???? You would think O.J. smacked all of your mothers and had sex with your wives.


I dont know the man and couldnt give two shits about him. As far as I'm concerned he's just another criminal and not worth the time of rooting for or against him. If the evidence puts him away good, if it doesnt they need to try harder next time.


He's not the first and he wont be the last to get over on the justice system only to have his stupidity and karma come back and bite him in the ass.

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I have always wondered why people took this stuff so personally???? You would think O.J. smacked all of your mothers and had sex with your wives.


I dont know the man and couldnt give two shits about him. As far as I'm concerned he's just another criminal and not worth the time of rooting for or against him. If the evidence puts him away good, if it doesnt they need to try harder next time.


He's not the first and he wont be the last to get over on the justice system only to have his stupidity and karma come back and bite him in the ass.



I agree 100%.



Did they ever find the actual killers?


Well, yes....they convicted him the other day...OJ.

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