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[GUN CREW] National park carry is a GO!


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'Bout time. :cool:


Interior Announces Final Firearms Policy Update


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Lyle Laverty today announced that the Department of the Interior has finalized updated regulations governing the possession of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. The final rule, which updates existing regulations, would allow an individual to carry a concealed weapon in national parks and wildlife refuges if, and only if, the individual is authorized to carry a concealed weapon under state law in the state in which the national park or refuge is located. The update has been submitted to the Federal Register for publication and is available to the public on www.doi.gov.


Existing regulations regarding the carrying of firearms remain otherwise unchanged, particularly limitations on poaching and target practice and prohibitions on carrying firearms in federal buildings.


“America was founded on the idea that the federal and state governments work together to serve the public and preserve our natural resources,” Laverty said. “The Department’s final regulation respects this tradition by allowing individuals to carry concealed firearms in federal park units and refuges to the extent that they could lawfully do so under state law. This is the same basic approach adopted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS), both of which allow visitors to carry weapons consistent with applicable federal and state laws.”


On February 22, 2008, Interior Secretary Kempthorne responded to letters from 51 Senators, both Democrats and Republicans, as well as from the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, urging him to update existing regulations that prohibit the carrying of firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. In his response, the Secretary directed Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Lyle Laverty “to develop and propose for public comment by April 30 Federal regulations that will update firearms policies on these lands to reflect existing Federal laws (such as those prohibiting weapons in Federal buildings) and the laws by which the host states govern transporting and carrying of firearms on their analogous public lands.”


Changes in the final regulations from those originally proposed in April were developed as the result of public comments. In particular, comments expressed concern about the feasibility of implementing regulations which directly linked the carrying of concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges to the ability of an individual to carry a concealed firearm on analogous state lands. The final regulations remove that potential logistical hurdle.


The existing regulations, as currently in effect, were adopted in 1981 for national wildlife refuges and in 1983 for national parks. Since that time many states have enacted new firearms policies. Currently, 48 states have passed legislation allowing for the lawful possession of concealed weapons.


“The Department believes that in managing parks and refuges we should, as appropriate, make every effort to give the greatest respect to the democratic judgments of State legislatures with respect to concealed firearms,” said Laverty. “Federal agencies have a responsibility to recognize the expertise of the States in this area, and federal regulations should be developed and implemented in a manner that respects state prerogatives and authority.”




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yeah your little pea shooter concealed carried piece is going to put down a bear or a wild boar if it decides to come after you.


make sure you put out the memo to all the wild animals that says all humans may now be packing heat please hide better.....




Yea. Not even gonna go through the effort of ripping this one apart.

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yeah your little pea shooter concealed carried piece is going to put down a bear or a wild boar if it decides to come after you.


make sure you put out the memo to all the wild animals that says all humans may now be packing heat please hide better.....


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ripping what apart?


what exactly is a concealed weapon going to do for in a state park? or anywhere else for that matter. by the time you can pull your gun from any kind of hidden holster and flip the saftey off the average person has had enough time to kick you in the balls hard enough to put you on the ground and then shoot you with your own gun

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ripping what apart?


what exactly is a concealed weapon going to do for in a state park? or anywhere else for that matter. by the time you can pull your gun from any kind of hidden holster and flip the saftey off the average person has had enough time to kick you in the balls hard enough to put you on the ground and then shoot you with your own gun




Ok, Ninja.

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nope no ninja here


I just think its stupid to waste all that time and money when you can just strap a gun right your hip and walk around around no paperwork, fees, or extra registration required


your all happy about it being cool to carry concealed in a national park what exactly do you need to hide a gun from in the woods?

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nope no ninja here


I just think its stupid to waste all that time and money when you can just strap a gun right your hip and walk around around no paperwork, fees, or extra registration required


your all happy about it being cool to carry concealed in a national park what exactly do you need to hide a gun from in the woods?


You even read the article?

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yep and I'm still asking what do you need to conceal a weapon from in a park?


concealed carry must be a penis thing somebody was bragging to me the other day about how cool is was to carry concealed at disney world when he went with his kids fucking disney world who needs a piece in disney world


I'm all about target shooting and hunting I just really don't get why people think they need to hide a gun

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lol. im with austin on this one..


im glad though. im at state parks often enough. i wouldnt say its necessarily for shooting an animal attacking me, but just the fact that if im carrying daily, and one of my stops is at a state park (like our family reunions, etc), its a pain to have to disarm before entering then stopping once gone to rearm


+rep .gov

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I just think its stupid to waste all that time and money when you can just strap a gun right your hip and walk around around no paperwork, fees, or extra registration required


Yeah, uh-huh. Try OC sometime. Enjoy the massive hassle you WILL have to endure the first time some bliss-ninny actually realizes that you have a gun on your hip and calls 911. You WILL spend at least 45 minutes stuck in the back of a cruiser with your hands behind you. And thats the BEST you can hope for, now if that self-same bliss-ninny tries to make themselves a "hero" by lying that you were waving it around....

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Because I can't carry a cop with me everywhere I go. I choose to protect myself and my family by a right provided to us by the second amendment.

+1 and it'll only get worse in the coming year to boot. And yes, even a .40S&W can stop a bear. If the Glock magazine was online, I'd post where a man had a grizzley bear inside his home, and killed it with a Glock 22. With the new advances in handgun calibers like .460 and .500 Magnum, one shot can stop a large bear, cougar, mountain lion, or any other larger creature.

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