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Scary stuff; Awesome ending.


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nurk - so glad everything worked out. big congrats on the second bundle of joy.


I would have gone down too had that happened. I can't even imagine what those minutes were like. Just before Quinn was born he started having periodic slowing of heartbeat (the staff was waiting on the doctor to arrive to deliver). Went on for a few cycles and then they started prepping the operating room. Then the doc rushes in, and out he comes in like two pushes. Looking back on it I had no idea all that was happening at the time aside from the rhythmia, was concentrating on the wife, but looking back on it if he'd had a problem after he was out I woulda dropped.


Again - Big Congrats and VERY happy all worked out! We're looking forward to number two too.

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Thank you Sir, and good luck with your second. Our first son had something similar to Quinn. In between every push, his heart rate would fall. But while each push was happening, his stats looked great. The Dr told us it is usually the other way around.
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