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Pulled from LimitedSlip7's post... Im in shock

Clifford Automotive

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I really dont have words for what people do to others. It absolutely amazes me what we can do to each other for "fun" or "amusement". I am disgusted and upset by this video. I hope the fucks that did this can die the painful death in jail that this man had to.


Speachless, and upset. I think this video just gave me a whole new outlook on life.

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I don't even want to talk about this, honestly. I'm so disgusted and all I can think about is the poor victim.


Many say that they would do much worse to them in return to what they did to this guy because they deserve it, but IMO that only makes you as bad as them. You just can't kill someone like that unless you're fucked up in the head. They deserve a death penalty, but you can't beat someone and poke and prod at them like that.

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Okay so I dont think...I know this video just gave me a new outlook on life. I am man enough to sit here and say publically I am crying over this. I was a very violent person in my past, and people knew not to cross my path. But never once did I ever think to take something that far. This has upset me like nothing I have ever experienced.


* I agree with you totally Andrew, people doing this to others is wrong. But the people that say they would do it back to them are just as bad.

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dude WTF!!! i couldnt even watch the whole fucking video!!! How the fuck can someone do that to someone else.


Thank god for ohio passing the ccw law. I will not hesitate to kill those bastards that was hurting that guy!



What happened at the end. did he die?

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When I think of horrible videos I've seen, I think of the first beheading video I saw a few years back, the video of that Russian soldier having his neck cut in to and now this. I find this one much more unbearable, even compared to beheadings. Though not justifiable at all, beheadings are quicker and not solely for entertainment. The fact that the youth in this video found pleasure destroying another life like that is what gets me.
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I never, ever want to see anything like this again. Those fuckers are the most barbaric, careless, inhuman pieces of shit that I think I have ever seen. I understand the fact that if you do something of the same caliber to them then you are no better, but they deserve to be destroyed.
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At first I was really trying hard to bypass the Saudi internet filter here just so I can see the video, but after reading more indepth to everyones comments I have no desire to ever watch it.


P.S. Can you really imagine how a whole country can have every single internet connection filtered? Do you have any idea how hard it is for a guy to look at porn here.

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Trying to decide if I want to watch this. If you could unsee it, would you?


This video brings a whole new level of WHAT THE FUCK.


I watched it. It's way fucked up. You being in Iraq probably have seen death like this before I'm going to assume. I work with a friend who showed me some pics of what happened over there and what he showed me was some fucked up shit.


It's a video. I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I'm just going to watch some porn in a second to get my mind off of it.

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