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Black Friday samsung 50" plasma


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Did anyone buy one of these? If so how is the picture. I want a big tv and I don't mind having 720p. I've looked around and for the price this seems hard to beat. $899 at sears. Also with the box do you think it would fit in a Honda Odyssey van?



Trust me, at 50" you're gonna want 1080. Anything below 42" and 720 looks just the same, but anything larger and you'll be able to tell the difference. Pony up the extra couple bones and you'll thank yourself.

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Trust me, at 50" you're gonna want 1080. Anything below 42" and 720 looks just the same, but anything larger and you'll be able to tell the difference. Pony up the extra couple bones and you'll thank yourself.


WHAT? The only thing you will be viewing in 1080P on it is Blue Ray (if he has a Blue ray Player), other than that Cable and Over the air signals are 720p and 1080i. That's kinda bad advise if you ask me. I view a lot of HD content on my 52 inch Sharp and it looks great, none of which is 1080p. just because the TV CAN display 1080P doesn't mean it is showing a 1080p program.

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I picked up my Mitsubishi 60" DLP for $925 :)


Yeah, given what you're looking for I'd say go for DLP. Its a great solution for people who want to get into HD but aren't looking for the top design or to break the bank.


My friends down the street have a 50" LG DLP and the differences between their picture and ours on our 50" Zenith plasma are almost negligible. They have a ps3 hooked up to it and it looks damn good with all their games and blu rays



edit: 1300 before tax, free shipping on a 60" Mitsubishi DLP http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889248030

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if its on the internet it must be true:gtfo:


I'm not gonna get into a posting war where we both post a myriad sources that reinforce our points.

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If you mainly watch a lot of Cable TV, 720P is the way to go.


If you plan on getting a BluRay player and plan on mainly watching Movies, go 1080p.


Most likely you will never see a 1080p signal over the air or cable. Takes up WAY too much bandwidth.

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I'm still thinking of the Samsung. The price difference between it and the LG is too much. Its also bigger than the space I have available. Can I get the tv home in a van? Anyone?


It should fit nicely in a van.


Edit: If you can find the Panasonic plasma that was selling for $100 more, get that one. Much nicer.

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a friend of mine has a samsung and hes had some problems with the picture going dark. we decided to buy a panasonic over samsung because of some reviews on both that we read and the salesman recommended the panasonic over the samsung. however, i know very little about tv's.
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Trust me, at 50" you're gonna want 1080. Anything below 42" and 720 looks just the same, but anything larger and you'll be able to tell the difference. Pony up the extra couple bones and you'll thank yourself.


^^^ what he said but it will depend on the TV, the DVD player and viewing distance.


on a 42" it won't likely matter as the panel is fairly small. On a 50" the optimum viewing distance is 11-13ft. At that distance you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference, but if they were side by side you would if you knew what to look for. Shadows and sharp edges will reveal the differences when side by side. Anything larger, 1080P is the way to go.


The source will also matter. upscaling generally looks much better on 1080P. I've had folks come over and watch movies on our 65" 1080P Panny in the basement and jump up with amazement.....at an upscaled DVD....yeah...it can be that good. Now it's no BluRay, but damn good an noticably different than our 720P in the kitchen. Every player is a little different and some do better jobs at upscaling than the TV's built in processors.


My thoughts are if we're all out spending a ratio of money to power or handling on our cars that's pretty out of whack just to push them to the limits on occasion, why cheap out on a one time purchase of something you'll use full-tilt every day for 10+yrs.


Get the higher resolution and be done with it. You wont' ever regret it.

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I would not buy a TV from a store right now unless they're having a crazy deal. Check out newegg.com before you buy anything or you might get ripped off.


A lot of their TVs are offering free shipping, some even free in home installs. We're all suggesting TVs but we don't really know what you'll be using them for, so help us out?


Are you going to be watching lots of sports?

Gonna be playing lots of video games?

Lots of DVDs or Blu-Rays?

Lots of HD Cable/Satellite?


Though LCD has caught up to Plasma in many ways, if you're looking for a 50" a plasma may be your best option. They do use more energy and tend to have a shorter life span, but if you're planning on stepping up soon a plasma may be for you. They're better at sports and with contrast/clearer blacks, though like I said many high quality LCDs have caught up. Keep this in mind when thinking about dishing out a grand for your TV



EDIT: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2102640385+1389727627&Configurator=&Subcategory=385&description=&Ntk=&SpeTabStoreType=&srchInDesc=


50" LG Plasma 720p for $900, Free shipping. I don't know about Samsung, but I can tell you that both newegg's and LG's customer service departments are unrivaled in my experience. LG owns Zenith and when our TV had the Y+Z boards + power supply go out, they fixed it for FREE after we'd bought it through a recertifier.

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