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New additions to the Mac family.


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DAMN! I have 1 Samsung 22" and it seems big enough! Lets see a pic of your setup.

I have posted pics when I just had 3; I don't know if I have any pics w/ my 4th one wall-mounted.


I'll try to take some when I get back from vacation in a couple of weeks; I'm leaving for the airport after we finish lunch. :)

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I'm not using a "PC".


Despite the excellent job Steve Jobs of brainwashing you, you are still using a Personal Computer. Although you likely feel very special, thinking you have broken away from the mold.


Intel Chipset

Intel Dual Core CPU

Standard Issue DDR2/DDR3 Memory

SATA & Firewire Drives.


Yeah, no PC there...



Feel free to come back once you are sporting a cray, and make that statement though.



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Despite the excellent job Steve Jobs of brainwashing you, you are still using a Personal Computer. Although you likely feel very special, thinking you have broken away from the mold.


Intel Chipset

Intel Dual Core CPU

Standard Issue DDR2/DDR3 Memory

SATA & Firewire Drives.


Yeah, no PC there...



Feel free to come back once you are sporting a cray, and make that statement though.




Get it right, SATA SSD Drive, no Firewire anymore. :)

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Get it right, SATA SSD Drive, no Firewire anymore. :)



Current gen SSD drives suck. Not much faster than a 7200RPM drive, waaaay more expensive than a 7200 RPM drive, not available in larger capacities.


Dood, the Macbook is not much larger than the Air, but it's a much better notebook.

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