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What makes a real man


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Go ahead and add anything I missed because I am sure I have. Lets just keep this list to things that make you a man, not things that make you an elite man. An example would be killing a bear in the woods or parachuting out of a plane only because it is "fun".




Driving 20+ over the posted speed limit


Bought at least one CD made by AC/DC, and Led Zepplin, and Pink Floyd


Bought jewelry so expensive it needs an appraisal to be added to home insurance.


Played at least 2 different instruments in your life time


Learned a new language


Owned at least one car with a manual transmission


Replaced a broken part on your car by yourself


Penetration into all 3 major orifices (vagina, anal, mouth)


Had sex 3 times or more within 24 hours.


Drank alcohol passed out and woke up with your head in a toilet. then drunk for more then 48 hours without drinking more alcohol.


Skipped high school classes to go to work.


Worked 60 or more hours in a week, for more then 6 months straight.


Parents catch you having sex.


Owned/rented/leased a property by yourself with no help for more then 6 months straight.



I have more I will add later

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Playing outside with your son or someone else's son and made fake sword and gun sound effects


Playing tea party with your daughter or someone else's daughter.


Bought a gun and cleaned it after firing it.


Had at least 1 tooth knocked or pulled out of your mouth.


Broke at least 1 bone


Started a fire with only matches, some old newspaper found in your car, a hatchet and random kindling found in the woods.


Put up a tent yourself and slept in it alone.


Rescuing a stranger from water that is deeper then 10 feet

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running a train on your friends girl with him in the same room.


having sex with your friends mom


walking up to a random dude and punching the shit out of him cause your frat brothers said to.


getting branded

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you dont shave,you rip the hair out with your bare hands.


masterbating while your gf is sleeping cause her sex was so bad you were thinkin about something else


tea bagging passed out friends


not getting tea bagged when you are passed out cause your friends are scared of you


shooting paintballs at neighbors house......in the day time

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Sharping your pocket knife with a stone because it is so dull it won't cut grass.


Scratching yourself in public.


Drinking expresso shots like alcohol shots as soon as you roll out of bed.


Drinking coffee with alcohol in it.


Eating coffee beans raw because you are that tired.

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