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Going from losing a wallet to finding it.


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The pains of thinking that you drivers LIC, Credit Cards, Strip Club VIP passes were in it and your lil paper of hoes to call to make you feel better.


Today I did that.


I walked into work and noticed my wallet was not in my back pocket "Fuck must of left it in the truck" I told myelf no sweat Ill just get it when I goto lunch....


Well lunch came and I did not find my wallet lucky enough I got a tip and had a 3.99 meal at arbys. So I forgot about it until I got home from work.


I started to panic. Every bad thought was running around my head.


Checked my Credit Card, Nothing reported on it, Called Eric my other boss, "ass" he didnt see it in the work truck. I tore my whole house apart looking for it. Laundry, trash, new laundry, old laundry, other peoples laundry, bathroom, in bed, drawres, behind everything.........


I sit down and literally start thinking how long it will take me to get it all back to normal. Im in the dumps.



Hold on what the fuck is that!!!!!!


Mother fucker was behind my old flat screen hanging from a dollar bill that got caught in a crack and was hanging......


I grabbed that fucker and put it in my pocket so fast the goverment didnt even see I had money in it.


So I went from pouting like a little bitch to ready to get fuckin hammered cause I found my wallet in 4 hrs.


Its so funny when you think back on the emotions you go threw when losing somthing you carry with you everyday that pronounces your actual self worth in a community such as the United States of America.





Fuckin A, I have my wallet. ;)




anyone else ever found there wallet in a fucked up place?..

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i always put mine on my lap after i go through a drive thru and forget sometimes and get out of my car with it still on my lap. I lost mine for 2 days and couldnt find it and I came to figure out it was laying in the grass the whole time outside my house untouched. I freaked out to no end and thought that the world was going to end, then found it and realized how important things really are.
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i lost my old one prom night. no clue where it was. i was more pissed because i searched a while for a nice billfold i liked (fuck tri-folds), and only had it like a year. was just getting broken in


went back to the place i ordered the first one from, ordered another, and have had it since. been like...7 years now. if i lose it, ill be pissed to the extreme.

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Did that yesterday, I stayed in a Holiday Inn in Wapokoneta Thursday night since I was working at a site in Jackson Center, about 15 miles away. I got to the site, got through three security checkpoints (didn't need ID, just contractors badge) and got inside to do a training class. I get to the building and reach in my back pocket to find it wasn't there. I start wondering if I left it in my truck, dropped it getting out, etc. Ended up thinking I'd never left the hotel room with it and I'd already checked out.


Then the panic set in. Canceling CCs, my military ID, DL, pics of my kids, etc. I hauled ass back on these country roads covered in snow and ice and got to the hotel. I told the lady I forgot my wallet in my room and I needed to get it. She asks me for ID. Well, duh, bitch. So she asks where I left it and when I told her I wasn't sure, she gave in and gave me a key card. I got into the room and found it on the desk where I had my two laptops setup.


Then I hauled ass back. I know how you feel. Our lives are in our wallets.

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i went to a concert at the newport, this kid, maybe 18-19 gets dropped off right by the door, car pulls up to the curb, i see the door open, he hops out, cell phone right through the sewer grate. he looked down, then just walked into the club. i was laughing. i felt bad, but it wasnt me!
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I lost my phone at Kings Island while on a roller coaster. Went back and the people still had it. I don't know how, but I was not complaining it had not fallen out on a loop or something.


I did this on the Magnum at Cedar Point. It must of just fallen out of my pocket. Luckily there are still a few good people in the world and they turned it in for me.

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Did that yesterday, I stayed in a Holiday Inn in Wapokoneta Thursday night since I was working at a site in Jackson Center, about 15 miles away. I got to the site, got through three security checkpoints (didn't need ID, just contractors badge) and got inside to do a training class. I get to the building and reach in my back pocket to find it wasn't there. I start wondering if I left it in my truck, dropped it getting out, etc. Ended up thinking I'd never left the hotel room with it and I'd already checked out.


Then the panic set in. Canceling CCs, my military ID, DL, pics of my kids, etc. I hauled ass back on these country roads covered in snow and ice and got to the hotel. I told the lady I forgot my wallet in my room and I needed to get it. She asks me for ID. Well, duh, bitch. So she asks where I left it and when I told her I wasn't sure, she gave in and gave me a key card. I got into the room and found it on the desk where I had my two laptops setup.


Then I hauled ass back. I know how you feel. Our lives are in our wallets.




People are fuckin idiots. U shoulda mooned her then asked for her ID.






Its like you break down literslly for a couple hrs.




I did this on the Magnum at Cedar Point. It must of just fallen out of my pocket. Luckily there are still a few good people in the world and they turned it in for me.


Ive had my wallet turned back in and Ive turned in a few at places like that. Karma its a motherfucker:p

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I stayed in a Holiday Inn


Shoulda stayed in a Holiday Inn EXPRESS.


I dropped mine once when I came home from work with the flu, it sat in front of my front door for THREE DAYS. Just sitting there, in plain view of everyone walking by, and nobody even touched it. I didn't even notice it was missing until I stopped the "puke/sleep/shower/eat enough Ritz crackers to have something to puke up" cycle long enough to actually leave the house, and found it on the doorstep.

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This past summer i was working on the car in the garage in my apt complex and around lunch time i went in the house grabed my wallet keys and cell phone, and set them on my front porch rail (in an apt complex).


Walked inside to take a shit and came back out and it was all gone. I freaked the fuck out. I grabed my friends phone and called my bank, cancled my checking account and credit card immediatly.in addition I had almost 300 in cash, and the only pic of my son iv never seen in person. I was crushed.


I went over to the Main office to bitch about theft once again, and long behold the retarded grounds keeper saw my shit and picked it up and took it over to the office. I almost cried! I too, felt like getting smashed would be the best way to celebrate. So i did!..lol:bangbang:

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Just wait till you have kids. Stuff disappears for days. This winter I have lost and found my wallet, expensive watch, and this weekend my keys. My little girl likes to pick stuff up and put it away "so it does not get lost" Edited by HAOLE
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