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Marathon's been on all day doing a recap of season 4.5, onward.


I'll be so glad when it's over, though. They've drug this fucking show on for God knows how long now. Half a season here. Quarter season there. Let's take a year break here....


I'd seriously love to choke the fucking people behind this bullshit. Get on with it already.

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  Austin said:
Marathon's been on all day doing a recap of season 4.5, onward.


I'll be so glad when it's over, though. They've drug this fucking show on for God knows how long now. Half a season here. Quarter season there. Let's take a year break here....


I'd seriously love to choke the fucking people behind this bullshit. Get on with it already.


I know what you mean. I was so fucking mad last time it was on. They had like a handful of episodes then took a year break. Fucking bullshit. Good way to lose viewers but people wont stop watching.

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  Austin said:
Marathon's been on all day doing a recap of season 4.5, onward.


I'll be so glad when it's over, though. They've drug this fucking show on for God knows how long now. Half a season here. Quarter season there. Let's take a year break here....


I'd seriously love to choke the fucking people behind this bullshit. Get on with it already.


Yeah it is ridiculous. It is just like the fight scenes in dragon ball z where it lasts for a week. :mad:

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  GonneVille said:
WTF? Now there's TWO fifth Cylons?


My prediction:


Everyone's a Cylon. There was a Cylon Civil war 2000 years ago. They split up, colonized, forgot who they were, and are now in another civil war.


"all this has happened before, and will happen again."




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  mmrmnhrm said:
Jumped the shark years (but only a season) ago. Cancelled cable, doubt I'll even bother to TPB it.


Curious, how is it? ive been thinking about getting rid of cable and just keeping interenet. Most shows or games i watch i can find online if not at least get some DVD's, seems like it would be alot cheaper.

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  Jones said:
Everyone in this thread is a Space Homo.


I mean seriously.


The last great Sci-Fi/Space show had a captain by the name of Jean-Luc Picard.

TNG > *






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  HotCarl said:
Curious, how is it? ive been thinking about getting rid of cable and just keeping interenet. Most shows or games i watch i can find online if not at least get some DVD's, seems like it would be alot cheaper.

Pretty nice. I get to the gym (sometimes), study Chinese, play EVE, and have no guilty feelings about stuff stacking up on my DVR that I never get around to watching.

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