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Me @ Mid-Ohio School

Alex L.

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Nice, I did their basic defensive driving class when I got my license it was a lot of fun. You got to beat the sh*t out of their lil civics. It definitely helped my skillllz also. I like the 300 my friends got one just like it I always wanted to see how the lude would hold up against it but hes a girl when it comes to driving. Would u ever consider? At the track of course....;)
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Well, the new company that I'm starting, Boost Performance Autosports, needs a shop car, so I'm going to use the SC300 for that, and I will probably be doing the turbo fairly soon. I would like to take the SC300 and the '94 Supra to the road racing day when we have it and see what they do.
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You're from fucking dublin. Please dont say "sumting" and "thang." If you want to do that shit, move to Groveport.


Hiz name is Kizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzle y0! Dat's how he roll!

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Excuse my terribly improper grammar sir for my name is kizzzzle and I simply do not know any better. Again please accept my formal apology and I hope that in the future we can forget about this incident, and I will continue to work on my terribly sloppy grammar. I am not originally from Dublin so I do not know how to express myself in proper Dublin style, but I am working on it and I soon enough..... I will be able to talk on forums just like a true Dublin native.
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