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Weight reduction

V8 Beast

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fill it back up, and go down the 1/4 with the spray going constantly. im sure the force of water backwards will propel the car forward AT LEAST 1/10 sec difference.


unless you have the gay fluid nozzles that snap onto the wiper blade...in that case, disregard my statement above.

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fill it back up, and go down the 1/4 with the spray going constantly. im sure the force of water backwards will propel the car forward AT LEAST 1/10 sec difference.


unless you have the gay fluid nozzles that snap onto the wiper blade...in that case, disregard my statement above.



I tried that once and the track guy yelled at me and said it was unsafe :rolleyes:

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If we were to say your washer fluid was 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 water then you would have a liquid weight of 118.8oz/gallon (water has a weight of 128oz/gallon). This would make each gallon weigh 7.425lbs.


Doing some 1am math, you removed 19.305 fluid ounces, which means you have a tiny ass washer fluid reservoir.


I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about anymore

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well 100 pounds normally = 10th faster.


go out in the garage with a hole saw and get to work!



Why would I want to go in my garage with a saw with a hole in it? If my math is right then 10 pounds would = 1th faster (how many decimals are in front of a 1th???)

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Why would I want to go in my garage with a saw with a hole in it? If my math is right then 10 pounds would = 1th faster (how many decimals are in front of a 1th???)


12.308 to a 12.307



sorry...your rt was 1.109

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Sweet! So all I have to do is make sure take a poop before I make a pass and I should be good for 12.306


here ill tell you a trick. while sitting in the staging lanes for a hour or so drink alot of water/pop. by the time you do your burnout, you have to piss real bad. you want to get down the track fast so you can go piss.hence you going faster.But be careful if you get to out of shape on the track, you just might piss yourself.



It so worked when I posted I checked.


sure it did.

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First, you need an auto. Pull into staging. Tie steering wheel. Place large brick on gas pedal with string tied to it so you can get out of the car and keep control of said brick. When light turns green, let go out string. I suggest at least 15-20 feet of string to allow you to stay safely out of the way.


Now, go out and practice!!! Practice makes perfect!


Join Us Next Week for Our Following Installment:

Stopping Your Car

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I did what everyone suggested and tried to do a few 1/4 mile runs with my wife timing me. Here are my results


Emptying the gas tank did result in about 20 pounds of weight loss but the car wouldnt start for some reason. I put the gas back in and it started right up. I'm currently trying to figure that one out.


Caulk/duct tape... I lost 2 hundred thousanths of a second with the caulk and 3 with duct tape. Thanks guys!!!


Tried the brick mod but couldnt find a brick small enough not to sit on the gas and the brake at the same time. But on the other hand I was able to perfect doing a burnout without me in the car!!!!


I tried to wax the car but it took way to long for the candles to melt. I got it about half done before I gave up.


Finally I took off all of the lug nuts and glued my wheels on. I was going to use elmers because its lighter, but safety was an issue. I decided on using a mixture of Krazy and superglue.


I'll keep everyone posted on my results. After I'm done I think I'll make a write up so thats its not as complicated for others.

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