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Delaware: Big boom wednesday night?

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I heard a big bang Wednesday night between 11:30p - 12:00a. Went outside thinking someone shot the house. The windows shook, the dogs woke and were freaking, etc. I searched everywhere and couldn't find anything. Checked the basement and garage, nothing. Called the Pickerington police. They said it was ice breaking on people's roofs. Not sure, but that could be it. It did sound like a sonic boom though. The whole house shook.
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Sudden expansion of the ground and buildings are known to be causes of such things. They had a news story on it the other day too. My wife kept telling me to go look outside thinking someone was hitting the house with something.
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I heard something around midnight if I remember right last week. I figured it was ice breaking on the roof, but i don't understand that since it was like 10 degrees outside. I figured it would need to be warmer for it to crack/break like that.
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So thus far, we've got window-shaking booms observed here:




That's not going to be Quarry blasting or a house blowing up. I'm leaning toward sonic boom, something moving fast in a north-south direction... or south-north.. would need specific times for that.

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Rock quarry? I work right down the road from it and have heard them blasting occasionally. I haven't heard it in a while so that's probably not it.

The one over on Section Line? You're right, it's been strangely quiet of late. Those blasts typically shake my office, and we haven't had so much as a rumble in the past few months.

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a house blew completely up off of cheshire street in delaware. and i mean the whole damn house is gone. and part of it lying on the van in the driveway. i have never in my life seen anything like it. my best friend justin's (evil666stang) father lives across the street from the house and i guess it shattered some of his windows and did some other damage? i dont know much more on the story....but i thought it was a meth lab in the basement or something?lol
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