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How do I stop assholes from walking....


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My tax money pays for the police and they have so much better stuff to do than deal with bullshit like this.


ORLY?? Like all the murders and people street racing around here. CPD and most of the other PD's around here have nothing better to do than respond to domestic disputes and give speeding tickets.The delaware sheriffs dept comes to my parents house every time we so much as shoot a .22


FUCK THE POLICE..I call them whenever I feel like it since im paying them.

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Well, I put a ton of money into my grass last summer. Ferts, chems, etc. I dont walk on my lawn, they shouldn't. I just want to have a nice looking lawn minus paths from they walking through several times a day.
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Well, I put a ton of money into my grass last summer. Ferts, chems, etc. I dont walk on my lawn, they shouldn't. I just want to have a nice looking lawn minus paths from they walking through several times a day.


You don't walk on your lawn? :gtfo: I wonder how golf courses keep their's nice? Dude, seriously? Can you re-read that statement? I have people walk through my lawn and tru-green does mine. Mine looks fine every time I mow.....

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You don't walk on your lawn? :gtfo: I wonder how golf courses keep their's nice? Dude, seriously? Can you re-read that statement? I have people walk through my lawn and tru-green does mine. Mine looks fine every time I mow.....



Paths will be formed if they always walk the same ones..... even just a few times a day.





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If you don't want to get your shit fucked with when you're not around the safe bet is to tell them it's cool as long as they don't screw with anything.



Dont be such an uptight old dick head. Did you forget what it was like to be a kid?

You really think they should walk all the way around the block because your to much of an ass to let them cut through a yard.

I hope those kids are posting on columbus-teenager.com trying to figure out what they should be doing to you're uptight ass.

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You don't walk on your lawn? :gtfo: I wonder how golf courses keep their's nice? Dude, seriously? Can you re-read that statement? I have people walk through my lawn and tru-green does mine. Mine looks fine every time I mow.....



You know wth I mean....I dont walk the same path up and down my yard 10 times a day.

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I remember this crotchety old guy that used to yell at us for walking on his lawn.....


you have become the crotchety old guy



I realize that crotchety old guy must have invested lots of time and money in his yard....so that's why he told me to stay off.


no you dog does.


Again put up a fence do for the dog and for soon be be little girl.



It's gonna happen.



If you don't want to get your shit fucked with when you're not around the safe bet is to tell them it's cool as long as they don't screw with anything.


i thought about this...that's why i'm nice when I ask. I dont want to be the one looking for the wiseguy kid for damaging something.



Dont be such an uptight old dick head.


You have a yard or you renting on?

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Get Over It?


What is it that they are hurting by walking through the yard? I could see if they were fucing up your shit by throwing trash in your yard or even wearing away a path but just passing through? How old are they and how often do they do it?

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On a not so serious suggestion. Just start doing randome shit when they walk by. Argue with yourself and start yelling at youur imaginary friend or stand by the window naked, maybe go get a bunch of cats and start feeding them all over the yard. Or everytime they pass through try and talk to them for like 20 minutes about bullshit. You boys ever seen that movie Cast Away? I heard that he was really trapped on that Island for 9 years. Boy that Tom Hanks is a great actor, I remember when he was in the movie BIG, you boys like that movie? What movie do you like? Make it more annoying for them to pass through then it is for you to have them pass through see what I mean. We had a neighbor as kids (who I'm pretty sure was a rapest) that everytime we saw him out, we made it a point to go the other way becasue he'd always try and talke to us. he had this weird weiner dog to that he'd walk through the neighborhood too. Get a reputation about yourself (at least by the kids) that your a fucking freak and that they need to aviod you.
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Its a homeowner thing you wouldn't understand.

So home-owning equates to inanimate object fapping. My mother never had any chemical services treat her yard and it was healthy grass. Hell, I even went crazy and stepped on it every once in awhile.

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If you don't want to get your shit fucked with when you're not around the safe bet is to tell them it's cool as long as they don't screw with anything.


Ya thats what Im thinking actually. One of those little bastards is just gonna throw an egg at the house soon or later.

Its a lose lose either way on this one I think :(

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So home-owning equates to inanimate object fapping. My mother never had any chemical services treat her yard and it was healthy grass. Hell, I even went crazy and stepped on it every once in awhile.


Being a home owner you own more then your house. You also own the land the house sits on. Nothing wrong with keeping it looking green and healthy. Hell I treat my yard for fleas, ticks, and fertilize it every 250 days (springish time).

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