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14 kids no job = FAILCLOSURE!


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This dumb bitch should be held on criminal charges of child endangerment


I agree. IMO I think the gov't should only provide any type of public assistance / food stamps for one child. Those that continue to breed and put kids in a bad situation should have the kids removed by the state and put up for adoption. The kids will stand more of a chance in foster care than in the ghetto or a shelter.


Way too many people that I would classify as trash bring kids into this world only to sponge off the free-be's (disability payments and food stamps to help raise her children.) our society feels they need to provide them. I say fuck that shit. Make them work for the state to "earn" what they get and limit what they can get.


The problem with America is that we have way too many lazy folks who are happy to do nothing and live at the poverty level and just plain accept it. I say fuck that. If mother nature was in control those people would be food for the rest of us and eventually become worm poop.


I also think the fertility doctor she used should lose his license on an ethical violation for putting those kids in this mess. He should also be forced to give 100% of the profits from his recently inked book deal towards supporting those kids as wards of the state. Take the kids, jail the doctor, spend his money to raise the kids, sterlize the mother and put her ass to work.

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I agree. IMO I think the gov't should only provide any type of public assistance / food stamps for one child. Those that continue to breed and put kids in a bad situation should have the kids removed by the state and put up for adoption. The kids will stand more of a chance in foster care than in the ghetto or a shelter.


Way too many people that I would classify as trash bring kids into this world only to sponge off the free-be's our society feels they need to provide them. I say fuck that shit. Make them work for the state to "earn" what they get and limit what they can get.


The problem with America is that we have way too many lazy folks who are happy to do nothing and live at the poverty level and just plain accept it. I say fuck that. If mother nature was in control those people would be food for the rest of us.



How about a free "tube-tie" or all expense paid vesectomy for any parent of a second child born into public assistance?

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How about a free "tube-tie" or all expense paid vesectomy for any parent of a second child born into public assistance?


absolutely would get my vote.....but make them work off the costs of anything. No all expenses paid shit for anyone. nothing is free. I end up paying for it in the end and that's not cool.


hell, dont' get me started....I think we need to take a lesson from China and not let people just breed freely. In our case, we should have a criteria by which they are measured to determine if they are responsible and able to even have kids period. should be like driving a car.....a privlege not a right.

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How about a free "tube-tie" or all expense paid vesectomy for any parent of a second child born into public assistance?






I'm ok with some Social Services. BUT man this is retarded. Anit like a accident happened. This bitch did it on purpose.It's people like this that make LEGIT people who are using social services of some type to get back on there feet look bad.

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I agree. IMO I think the gov't should only provide any type of public assistance / food stamps for one child. Those that continue to breed and put kids in a bad situation should have the kids removed by the state and put up for adoption. The kids will stand more of a chance in foster care than in the ghetto or a shelter.


Way too many people that I would classify as trash bring kids into this world only to sponge off the free-be's (disability payments and food stamps to help raise her children.) our society feels they need to provide them. I say fuck that shit. Make them work for the state to "earn" what they get and limit what they can get.


The problem with America is that we have way too many lazy folks who are happy to do nothing and live at the poverty level and just plain accept it. I say fuck that. If mother nature was in control those people would be food for the rest of us and eventually become worm poop.


I also think the fertility doctor she used should lose his license on an ethical violation for putting those kids in this mess. He should also be forced to give 100% of the profits from his recently inked book deal towards supporting those kids as wards of the state. Take the kids, jail the doctor, spend his money to raise the kids, sterlize the mother and put her ass to work.


absolutely would get my vote.....but make them work off the costs of anything. No all expenses paid shit for anyone. nothing is free. I end up paying for it in the end and that's not cool.


hell, dont' get me started....I think we need to take a lesson from China and not let people just breed freely. In our case, we should have a criteria by which they are measured to determine if they are responsible and able to even have kids period. should be like driving a car.....a privlege not a right.



I <3 you.


I've never done any scientific study of the actual numbers, but it is my opinion that the human race will be fucked by over-population before anything else. I don't think we're really gonna have to worry about Global Warming, or recycling, or gun violence killing us all off. I'm pretty sure we're just gonna grow too damn large for this planet to support all of us, and then we'll run out of resources, and you'll start to see shit really spiral downward from there.


Just my opinion; no scientific backing.

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hell, dont' get me started....I think we need to take a lesson from China and not let people just breed freely. In our case, we should have a criteria by which they are measured to determine if they are responsible and able to even have kids period. should be like driving a car.....a privlege not a right.


So you want to be a commie bastard? Fuck that. I don't want the gov't telling me if I can breed or not. What's next, what times I am allowed to take a shit?

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its like the movie idiocracy


Haha agreed, our world is slowwwwwly but surely heading down that path. It may have that touch of hollywood flare but I sware it is. Bad infomercials followed by bad t.v. People can't speak correctly anymore and are just having babies and mooching off of the gov't. Money is going to become less and less valuable....





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You know how most cities add fluoride to the water mains? I don't know why they couldn't add birth control medication at the same time. Of course all soft drink bottling plants would need to be on the same page as well, details, minor expenses which will be well worth the savings to society.


Orwellian fascism ftw :-)

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She went and had this procedure done over and over. Knew there were several buns in her oven. IMHO, she gets nothing.


What was her plan?


The irony is she keeps saying this all stems from her mother not paying attention to her, good luck paying enough attention to 14.

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So you want to be a commie bastard? Fuck that. I don't want the gov't telling me if I can breed or not. What's next, what times I am allowed to take a shit?


First...thanks for taking the bate. Just kidding....but here we go....


Commie? why is it that things are either black or white? No, not quite, but I do feel we as a society need to begin looking at our resources and how to better manage them going forward. We are way too reactionary as a society. The comment above about imploding and outgrowing our planet isn't too far off. Hell, look at China. Can you imagine how much more bad-off they would be if they didn't have some type of control in place. In a country of 5-6B people.....that would be a really ugly place.


We have people who have very low education, no income and no real direction or purpose among the rest of us who are costing the greater good to suffer. They are bringing children into this world only to have a shitty life and perpetuate more of the same. Use the morgage situation as one example. Sure the banks and lenders have a responsiblity to own up to. They are part of the problem. But then you also have a huge number of individuals who are fucking dumb asses that put themselves into thier situations and were never in the position to afford a house. Well fuck, if you can't make a pretty basic financial decision in life and are at or below the poverty level, then you have no business having kids. It's not just an impact on society, but it's fundamentally wrong to put a child in the same shitty situation you're in.


That cycle has to stop. You're either part of a solution and growth to prosper or you're part of the problem. I'm tired of supporting and living among the problems of our country. Time to cut bait if they are not willing to help themselves. We can't kill them, but we can put measures in place to prevent or discourage them from taking on responsibilities they can't support.


Hell, you can't rent an apartment without a lease and credit check, but you can fucking pop out kids every 9-10 months if you want. You have to apply for a permit to own a gun, but you can let your kids run rampent in schools and join gangs robbing and killing people. You have to pay to have a damn dog license, yet you don't have to take your kids to the doctor or give them proper food. We have to go to school to become teachers, yet we let just about anyone home-school their kids.


Call that commie thinking if you want. I call it a structured plan. We spend more time thinking about how to manage our waste...to use your taking a shit comment, then we do on how to manage our own people and what they are doing to affect real, positive change on those around them. It's pretty feaking sad that I can move into a nieghborhood that has regulations about what kind of fence to put up or the color my house can be yet there are no guidelines or rules in place about brining a life into the world.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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The irony is she keeps saying this all stems from her mother not paying attention to her, good luck paying enough attention to 14.


Another great example of people not being accountable for their own actions. It's all her mothers fault. :rolleyes: Now pay for my kids and help me land some endorsements. :mad:


The #1 thing I hate about our country is people who aren't accountable pointing fingers with one hand, extendign their other for a hand out and flapping their lip about their right to do (fill in the blank). Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Go the hell over to your own little island of stupidity along with the other do-nothing no-goods and watch daytime TV all your life while the rest of us make our lives what they are an go forward as a productive society.


How many more Wall-mart customers do I have to get behind with 3 kids running around, a credit card in one hand and a cell phone in the other, driving a buy-here-pay-here car, an $8 hr job and with an x-box 360 in their fucking cart right next to a carton of smokes? Man this shit has to stop! I wish we could send all those fuckers to the moon.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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First...thanks for taking the bate. Just kidding....but here we go....


Commie? why is it that things are either black or white? No, not quite, but I do feel we as a society need to begin looking at our resources and how to better manage them going forward. We are way too reactionary as a society. The comment above about imploding and outgrowing our planet isn't too far off. Hell, look at China. Can you imagine how much more bad-off they would be if they didn't have some type of control in place. In a country of 5-6B people.....that would be a really ugly place.


We have people who have very low education, no income and no real direction or purpose among the rest of us who are costing the greater good to suffer. They are bringing children into this world only to have a shitty life and perpetuate more of the same. Use the morgage situation as one example. Sure the banks and lenders have a responsiblity to own up to. They are part of the problem. But then you also have a huge number of individuals who are fucking dumb asses that put themselves into thier situations and were never in the position to afford a house. Well fuck, if you can't make a pretty basic financial decision in life and are at or below the poverty level, then you have no business having kids. It's not just an impact on society, but it's fundamentally wrong to put a child in the same shitty situation you're in.


That cycle has to stop. You're either part of a solution and growth to prosper or you're part of the problem. I'm tired of supporting and living among the problems of our country. Time to cut bait if they are not willing to help themselves. We can't kill them, but we can put measures in place to prevent or discourage them from taking on responsibilities they can't support.


Call that commie thinking if you want. I call it a structured plan. We spend more time thinking about how to manage our waste...to use your taking a shit comment, then we do on how to manage our own people and where they are going.


Or you just cut off financial support. I'd rather the .gov say "no you can't have money" rahter than "no you can't have kids".

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Or you just cut off financial support. I'd rather the .gov say "no you can't have money" rahter than "no you can't have kids".


That was my initial point and something that in reality should be done. sanctions against our own people. end all free-be programs that don't include some type of manditory payback.


Obama wants universal healthcare for everyone, then make those taking it build the fucking bridges and roads he also plans. Put their asses to work to 'earn' what they are getting.


Disability...she's on fucking disability....for what? did her pussy fall out from all those kids? Damn, if I see one more fat ass person getting out of a handicap spot at Krogers I'm going postal on someone. I think one requirement for a handicap sticker should be that your not overwieght!


Want health insurance? Then you better not be smoking or drinking like a fish. Fuck everyone else causing my premiums to go up. Make seperate policies and charge them much higher premiums.


He wants tax cuts for the poor and middle class...then make them earn them by requiring those with kids to have their kids get good grades. Spend some time educating your children people! It's not just up to the teachers.


Sorry....went a little overboard on my coffee today.....

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frankly they deserve to get the boot. The children however, probably should go into the system and maybe have some chance at a good life, with new parents :(


Dude's on the ball today.


I heard last night via my parents that supposedly some pychologist is filling to have the kids put into a foster home on the grounds that the mother isn't fit to support them (or something like that).

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frankly they deserve to get the boot. The children however, probably should go into the system and maybe have some chance at a good life, with new parents :(



which brings up the next point...do you know how expensive, time consuming, and just generally brutal it is to try and adopt a child?

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If I'm paying for you to live then you should not be allowed to add to my bill.




First...thanks for taking the bate. Just kidding....but here we go....


Commie? why is it that things are either black or white? No, not quite, but I do feel we as a society need to begin looking at our resources and how to better manage them going forward. We are way too reactionary as a society. The comment above about imploding and outgrowing our planet isn't too far off. Hell, look at China. Can you imagine how much more bad-off they would be if they didn't have some type of control in place. In a country of 5-6B people.....that would be a really ugly place.


We have people who have very low education, no income and no real direction or purpose among the rest of us who are costing the greater good to suffer. They are bringing children into this world only to have a shitty life and perpetuate more of the same. Use the morgage situation as one example. Sure the banks and lenders have a responsiblity to own up to. They are part of the problem. But then you also have a huge number of individuals who are fucking dumb asses that put themselves into thier situations and were never in the position to afford a house. Well fuck, if you can't make a pretty basic financial decision in life and are at or below the poverty level, then you have no business having kids. It's not just an impact on society, but it's fundamentally wrong to put a child in the same shitty situation you're in.


That cycle has to stop. You're either part of a solution and growth to prosper or you're part of the problem. I'm tired of supporting and living among the problems of our country. Time to cut bait if they are not willing to help themselves. We can't kill them, but we can put measures in place to prevent or discourage them from taking on responsibilities they can't support.


Hell, you can't rent an apartment without a lease and credit check, but you can fucking pop out kids every 9-10 months if you want. You have to apply for a permit to own a gun, but you can let your kids run rampent in schools and join gangs robbing and killing people. You have to pay to have a damn dog license, yet you don't have to take your kids to the doctor or give them proper food. We have to go to school to become teachers, yet we let just about anyone home-school their kids.


Call that commie thinking if you want. I call it a structured plan. We spend more time thinking about how to manage our waste...to use your taking a shit comment, then we do on how to manage our own people and what they are doing to affect real, positive change on those around them. It's pretty feaking sad that I can move into a nieghborhood that has regulations about what kind of fence to put up or the color my house can be yet there are no guidelines or rules in place about brining a life into the world.

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damn dude I want you for president! I say its like this . Unverisal health care in principal is not a bad idea. But I don't want to see dumb bitches like her abusing it.




That was my initial point and something that in reality should be done. sanctions against our own people. end all free-be programs that don't include some type of manditory payback.


Obama wants universal healthcare for everyone, then make those taking it build the fucking bridges and roads he also plans. Put their asses to work to 'earn' what they are getting.


Disability...she's on fucking disability....for what? did her pussy fall out from all those kids? Damn, if I see one more fat ass person getting out of a handicap spot at Krogers I'm going postal on someone. I think one requirement for a handicap sticker should be that your not overwieght!


Want health insurance? Then you better not be smoking or drinking like a fish. Fuck everyone else causing my premiums to go up. Make seperate policies and charge them much higher premiums.


He wants tax cuts for the poor and middle class...then make them earn them by requiring those with kids to have their kids get good grades. Spend some time educating your children people! It's not just up to the teachers.


Sorry....went a little overboard on my coffee today.....

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Seems the simple option is to Tax children instead of giving breaks for them. More children is more drain on resources, let's get their parents to pay for some of it. Maybe not tax the FIRST kid, but 2 and the breaks go away, 3 and you start paying more taxes for each one.
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