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New eminem video.

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Umm yeah this song fucking sucks as does that gay song Crack a Bottle. I really expected much more then these 2 songs after a 4 year wait. The only good song he has put out in the last 4 years is "No Applogies" that was on the Re-Up album.


There is 2 Eminem CD's coming out this year. Relapse and Relapse 2, Dre is "supposed" to be dropping Detox, but that reminds me of Guns and Roses and we saw how that cd was...shitty. 50 is also putting out an album that is supposedly his last album.

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Fucking horrible song. I hope he has better shit than that on the album. Start talking about killing people again.




Marshall Mathers LP & Slim Shady LP were great, Eminem Show was average, and then it all fell apart after that. Encore was by far the worst CD I've ever bought

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I like Dre in the captains chair, dude is old as shit looking but Em still looks 12. Who cares if it's not as good as his older stuff, we'll all still download it illegally and like it anyway. I hope Detox finally drops.
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I never liked many of his songs that were released on the radio or were real popular with the public. However, I've always found a few songs each album that were pretty good. It was a long time before I would even listen to him because all I had heard was the radio shit.


Maybe it'll be the case this time, as well.

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