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Today will go down in Epic Sucess in my life with cars!!!!


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So RobL built my VW with the platform it sits on today. I have literally done everything there after short of pulling the motor in the VW. One day Rob Lasota made me change my own axle after about the 4th time I called him up to do it.


After that day about 2yrs ago Ive gotten quite the selection of tools, tool box and massive determination when a problem arises in my car.


But today topped any day I have ever turned a wrench.

This was and has always been done on jack stands except for the first time I did swap a trans out of my car.


Here are some pics to keep the story intresting.


Car/Engine brace for FWD vehicles keeps the engine supported on one side while pulling the trans and you can lift/lower it about 4 inches.




I threw out the old unsprung stage 5 spec clutch for this stage 4 SouthBend unit since the leak in my new rebuilt trans killed the previouse one.. It wont grab as hard as the old one as for I wont need it to since this vw aint goin back to the track anytime soon.






Now heres the kicker. Rob's installed my transmission about four times and Ive done it about 8-10 times, Everytime Ive either ran out of power in my arms and needed someone else to lift with me or also needed someone to put a bolt in the top to get the trans to stay so it doesnt fall after you have got it onto the shaft. Doing it by yourself is unimaginable.




Here is what Im workin with not alot of space, you need to drag the trans under the car with you then slowly pull it onto your chest. its gotta way at least 100-150lbs you may think its light but not when your wresteling with it forever ...






So I wanted to ask someone to come down and put abolt in for me so I can get my car running by the weekend but I said screw it and started cleaning up.


As I was cleaning I thought to myself "Im a bitch if I dont at least try"

I took a deep breathe before I crawled under the car and told myself I could do it.



Here is the result.....




































































A BIG FUCK YOU to every O2j trans that has broke on me or I killed while racing. I finally fucking beat you. I lifted that bad mother fucker up there wiggled it on and reached my hand threw a small opening at the top and got a fuckin bolt in!!!!!


I prolly tried for a good half hour on my back holding this thing in place.


By this time I was already running late for work so I tossed a couple bolts in it to hold it up till I can return and headed into work.


I will never forget this day ever!!! I cant belive this shit. Ive been happy all day. I felt like I just fucked jessica simpson on the tea cup ride at disney world. Awsome feeling.


Big ups to Rob L for making me work on my own car a couple years ago or I would still be paying someone to do it.





So anyone else got a story like this?...

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This is why you use a floor jack with a custom plate and some nylon straps.

Pump the bitch up there and only use mimimal wiggling.


Congrats on all of the hard work you have put into that thing. I hope you get some lasting enjoyment rolling 270 this summer rather than replacing a trans every other month. :)

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try doing it all day every day, but not on the same car...by yourself.

having a cheap ratch type trans jack help tho..:)


on your back...shit sucks. on a lift its not shit.

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Congrats man, I've been there. I've taught myself how to do quite a bit more than I figured I could, just because I can't really afford to have somebody else do it. I'm definitely glad I did. I remember more than a few times when my dad would come out into the garage and just shake his head like I'll never get it all back together, only to be amazed when he sees it completely perfect and running a few days later - great feeling :).
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Good for you, there's nothing better then accomplishing something for yourself. This is the main reason I do all my own work, not to mention budget or just wanting it done right.


Thanks for the replys guys.



I feel if I can do it myself and time allowes then yes by all means Im gonna do it.


However when i didnt have a garage I didnt really have a choice.





I feel ya on the floor jack, there was one at the shop and it didnt work to well. I sat in on there to see if it would work the other day and it was complete fail. On this car you have to fish this thing thru a hole and tilt it and wiggle its way up into the engine bay passed the front K member if that what you call it.

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Shanton.. I commend you for doing it yourself.




Next class.. O2m tranny.


Impossible by yourself, i'm convinced. It took 3 of us to wiggle it past the subframe when I did my clutch. Never again, I'll pay some other unfortunate person to do it next time.

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Shit I bet I could get it done before you get home......


Yeah but do you really want to be the one to have to drill a 2 7/8" hole in the back of my ski for the exhaust. I don't even want to be the one to do that. 6 more weeks is all I have (if everything goes right). Mem day weekend is in my sights and sounds like a good time to put her in the water.


Glad you finally can feel like you overcame that trans. And it looks like you are making sick progress on the 7. Keep it up.

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Stock twins on the FD use to kick my ass. I was always needing a hand from Rotarded. He was always telling me I over think it and though they are heavy and a huge pain to position on your own, it can be done. It got to the point where I could drop turbos off the car in 45 minutes alone, and install in 45, on my own. Turns out, this is faster than most people, with help :). I was in a pinch for time to get the car done and go out. And just did it. Now I've pulled a few motors and several tranny's. I still don't know shit about cars. But I know the FD a little.


3 years ago, I had never even changed the oil on a car.


Shanton, I know exactly how you feel. Congrats.


And a big thanks to people like Rotarded and Rob for taking the time to share what they know.

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Man I always had the same damn problems with my impulse, big ass AWD trans and transfer case and a tiny little engine bay. Engline lift up top and a jack on bottom usually works, but one time I had to tie a seat belt around it and just lift it in because nothing was working. I still don't know how I did that
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