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Anyone here work at a Huntington?


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even with the economy and banks being stingy, they're still willing to help. this last week, i had 2 issues, 2 different banks, and both were resolved


1st was a CC i just opened, payment due on 4/11, go online 4/11 to make payment, already a late fee on the account. WTF? call and the guy said they dont process anything on weekends (which was BS because they posted the payment on SUNDAY), said he would waive the fee since im a new customer and probably wasn't aware the payments due on weekends have to be done before 5 on friday. cool


then yesterday (technically tuesday since it was 12:15am), i go onto chase's website to make my other CC payment, which is usually due on the 16/17th, and they moved my due date to the 13th. so now its the 14th, and they hit me with a fee. called them up, told them how i had just moved (which i did, the last week of march) and hadn't gotten the bill...usually (i know with the bank i work for) the envelope will say "return service requested", so if theres mail forwarding, they wont send it to the new address. the girl was cool, said she saw the change of address from the end of march, and waived the fee


both were done on the 800#s.

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nah. what my bank does is has it hooked up to a credit card. so if i overdraft. whatever i dont have gets charged to the credit card.


yea exactly just make sure you dont over draw you cc as well.. i see it everyday they have there odp linked to there cc an they rack up there cc an eventually over draw the cc



even with the economy and banks being stingy, they're still willing to help. this last week, i had 2 issues, 2 different banks, and both were resolved


1st was a CC i just opened, payment due on 4/11, go online 4/11 to make payment, already a late fee on the account. WTF? call and the guy said they dont process anything on weekends (which was BS because they posted the payment on SUNDAY), said he would waive the fee since im a new customer and probably wasn't aware the payments due on weekends have to be done before 5 on friday. cool


then yesterday (technically tuesday since it was 12:15am), i go onto chase's website to make my other CC payment, which is usually due on the 16/17th, and they moved my due date to the 13th. so now its the 14th, and they hit me with a fee. called them up, told them how i had just moved (which i did, the last week of march) and hadn't gotten the bill...usually (i know with the bank i work for) the envelope will say "return service requested", so if theres mail forwarding, they wont send it to the new address. the girl was cool, said she saw the change of address from the end of march, and waived the fee


both were done on the 800#s.

checking/savings accounts are a whole different thinking then credit cards int he banks ...trust me banks want there money so if you o.d its hard to get the fees wavied. usally they will do it once mabey two times a year anythin past there your shit outta luck



to the op did you take any of my advice an call customer service an speek with a supervisor if a regular rep wouldnt refund fees?

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