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Things you hate thread!


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I hate people who call the wrong numbers and ask for so and so, then when you tell them they have the wrong numbers they say "Are you sure", like I just might change my mind and all of a sudden know who the fuck they're talking about. :gtfo:


I hate people who stop on right hand turns when there is a green arrow! That would be like stopping at green light to make sure it's clear! :nutkick:


I hate when you're at a public urinal and the guy next to you wants to talk while you’re both holding your dicks pissing. Seriously, what kind of MAN talks to another man with his dick in his hand? Who does that? :gay:


I hate people who go through the “U-Scan” line at the grocery store with 30-50 items and act like they’ve never seen it before! You’re not trying to send the fucking space shuttle into orbit; you’re scanning a damn bar code!? And don’t stand there then look back at me all confused and hurt, like someone forced your dumb ass to use the self check out. If it’s too much for you, they have a line where the cashier will launch the shuttle for you! :finger:


I hate when people feel the need to hit "Reply All" on emails that have nothing to do with me just so they look like they're doing work.. And it's always somthing worthless, like "I agree". "Me too". "sounds good" I don't need to read 20 god damn emails that don't mean shit just so you can look good for your boss. :asshole:



These are just few things I hate!

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Slow Drivers in the left lane. You're not the only one on the road, GTFO.


People who drive 10mph or more UNDER the speed limit. You're not the only one on the road, GTFO.


Passive-Aggressive bullies. DIAF


FWD. Manufacturers aren't interested in any magical advantages you THINK FWD has, it's used so much because it's CHEAPER to assemble.


Automatic Transmissions. Never in the right gear.


Minivans. You're breeding too much.


Luxury SUVs. NO need. And I couldn't care less about how much money you've got to waste.


NASCAR. Stock Car racing? Really? Try Vehicular Professional Wrestling.

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I hate people who stop on right hand turns when there is a green arrow! That would be like stopping at green light to make sure it's clear! :nutkick:




i worked at best buy when i was in hs and my boss did that shit 1 day. i looked at him and said there are 3 fucking stalls why did you pick the 1 next to me. FUCK..



oh i hate paul, brandon,lee, and brians wife.

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i worked at best buy when i was in hs and my boss did that shit 1 day. i looked at him and said there are 3 fucking stalls why did you pick the 1 next to me. FUCK..





oh i hate paul, brandon,lee, and brians wife.


He stopped at a green right turn arrow in the restroom?



people who quote the wrong thing they reply to.

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i worked at best buy when i was in hs and my boss did that shit 1 day. i looked at him and said there are 3 fucking stalls why did you pick the 1 next to me. FUCK..



oh i hate paul, brandon,lee, and brians wife.


Yeah that's a clear violation of man rules. 1. you don't talk to another guy while you're pissing. 2. always try and keep an empty urinal between you and the guy next to you never line up next to a guy when there is another urinal open. Shits wack son. :lol:

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He stopped at a green right turn arrow in the restroom?




I hate when people quote the wrong thing they reply to.





I'm just in a weird mood at work. It's friday, it's nice out, but i have to be here! :mad: I just want to upset the balance of things. The next person to walk into my office I'm either going to fight, fuck, or set on fire.

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