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When I talked to Brandon the other day, he still swears up and down that him and George were not racing, and that George just took off. If that's true, then I really feel for him. What evidence are they going off of that proves they were racing short of George's wife saying they were?


She is basically Snitching. I hope Brandon as Talked to SAM Schimsasky (SP)


I think he told me that is his lawyer.


they will still likely file a civil suite against her and him both. that's a totally separate case yet to be gone through, although I'm sure it's in the works. after all, after insurance, the civil suite is going to be what pays the girls bills throughout the rest of her life. the criminal case is being driven by the prosecutor.


He also told me that the procecutor offered him 6 months in the klink, w/ a possible 3 month release for good behavior, and he'd be responsible for all of Monica's medical expenses.


I'm pretty sure he declined.

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What evidence are they going off of that proves they were racing short of George's wife saying they were?


Don't know yet. It's out there though if you have time to read it all.


He also told me that the prosecutor offered him 6 months in the klink, w/ a possible 3 month release for good behavior, and he'd be responsible for all of Monica's medical expenses. I'm pretty sure he declined.


Shamansky likely never gave it a thought. Nor would I.

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He also told me that the procecutor offered him 6 months in the klink, w/ a possible 3 month release for good behavior, and he'd be responsible for all of Monica's medical expenses.


I'm pretty sure he declined.



That sounds extreme on something that has not even been proven yet. Everyone is so eager to jump to the conclusion of street racing now a days,its sad really,he isnt even getting a fair shake before the books gets chucked at him.

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That sounds extreme on something that has not even been proven yet. Everyone is so eager to jump to the conclusion of street racing now a days' date='its sad really,he isnt even getting a fair shake before the books gets chucked at him.[/quote']



Because that is the easy way out for the prosecutor and it would mean that Brandon would plead guilty to everything.


I really hate the law. The say innocent till proven guilty is pure bullshit. If the prosectution would even here a rumor that Brandon fucked a chicken before they raced he would plead to the jury that Brandons a proven chicken fucker.........lame I know but you will see the dirtiest of tricks pulled and it will be up to defense for them to discredit all the information.


In the end this is how lawyers get rich, make names for themselves, and people are used at pawns. The real truth will never be heard

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Guest tbutera2112

hes facing all those charges and coulda got off with 3 months in jail and medical costs?


his attorney must absolutely know they are going to win this case if he turned that offer down

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No, I only do rolls from 15mph (on the on ramp) to 5mph above the posted speed limit now.


I got a ticket for that. 1st gear to redline then 2nd to redline means I'm going 81mph.......... Just because I sound like im flying and I fly by you when your going 20mph does not implicate 81mph......



I've never had the police do anything postive for me in all the times I've had to deal with them. Theft / Assault or anything.


For the record my mother is a cop and my father is a retired cop.

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hes facing all those charges and coulda got off with 3 months in jail and medical costs?


his attorney must absolutely know they are going to win this case if he turned that offer down


Do you have any idea of her medical costs for the rest of her life? Its bound to be astronomical.

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Sam Is the mother fucking man period. Hes a friend of the family and hes a pretty nice guy.


This is bull shit and SHAME on his wife. SHAME. People did there best to help her out and she pisses on those people.



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Guest tbutera2112
Do you have any idea of her medical costs for the rest of her life? Its bound to be astronomical.


yea of course it will be...hell they wanted to do an operation on my jaw just to reposition it a little bit and it was 40k dollars....her shit is probably in the millions or so after rehab and life support and all of that shit


but theres no way he would be able to pay that much, so something would have to get worked out...i imagine it would be like paying child support for the rest of his life or something...not sure how those details work out, if someone smarter on the subject would like to enlighten me


not saying i would take that deal, but facing homicide and manslaughter and assult etc etc... 3months and $$$ seems like a good deal...the prosecution would never want to cut this kid a good deal, so that offer goes to show that they really must not have much...and the fact that it was turned down compared to the years and years he would spend behind bars on those charges, shows a lot for what the defense has to offer


i hope it turns out for the kid, and im guessing it will


on the criminal side atleast...ide say hes fucked on the civil side...hes gonna be paying those medical bills no matter what, unless they can somehow prove he was not racing

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yea of course it will be...hell they wanted to do an operation on my jaw just to reposition it a little bit and it was 40k dollars....her shit is probably in the millions or so after rehab and life support and all of that shit


but theres no way he would be able to pay that much, so something would have to get worked out...i imagine it would be like paying child support for the rest of his life or something...not sure how those details work out, if someone smarter on the subject would like to enlighten me


not saying i would take that deal, but facing homicide and manslaughter and assult etc etc... 3months and $$$ seems like a good deal...the prosecution would never want to cut this kid a good deal, so that offer goes to show that they really must not have much...and the fact that it was turned down compared to the years and years he would spend behind bars on those charges, shows a lot for what the defense has to offer


i hope it turns out for the kid, and im guessing it will


on the criminal side atleast...ide say hes fucked on the civil side...hes gonna be paying those medical bills no matter what, unless they can somehow prove he was not racing


I see what you are saying,but the fact remains he cannot be held liable on hearsay. I think better plea bargains will become better as the prosecutin sees it has nothing on him.

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thats horseshit that they are pressing those charges if his car never came in contact with the other 2 cars then he was just a witness and that's it





removed last comment CPD has nothing to do with the charges being filed.

Edited by Skinner
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SHe's just covering her own ass and throwing Brandon under the bus.


I hate to say it but most people in her situation would probably do the same thing if they were facing some serious shit. Think about it she lost her husband and is now finding out she could be responsible for the girl that was hurt. Maybe in her mind she has paid enough with the loss of George maybe she has, maybe she hasn’t. The fucked up thing is that the “system” is flawed. IMO it doesn’t have anything to do with right or wrong or what’s fair or not. It’s what can be proven. Maybe her attorney advised her to roll on this kid. It may be harder to prove he was responsible vs. proving her responsibility. Let’s not think about George, his wife or this Brandon kid… think about the girl that didn’t have a choice in the matter and her family. After all everyone else involved made a choice...

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I hate to say it but most people in her situation would probably do the same thing if they were facing some serious shit. Think about it she lost her husband and is now finding out she could be responsible for the girl that was hurt. Maybe in her mind she has paid enough with the loss of George maybe she has, maybe she hasn’t. The fucked up thing is that the “system” is flawed. IMO it doesn’t have anything to do with right or wrong or what’s fair or not. It’s what can be proven. Maybe her attorney advised her to roll on this kid. It may be harder to prove he was responsible vs. proving her responsibility. Let’s not think about George, his wife or this Brandon kid… think about the girl that didn’t have a choice in the matter and her family. After all everyone else involved made a choice...


whats that old saying snitches get stitches she is just as guilty as he is for one letting him drive after drinking and then race if a race ever happened she should be charged with the same shit if it is all true, she was contributing to an illegal act by video taping it plus the insurance fraud shit she pulled

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thats horseshit that they are pressing those charges if his car never came in contact with the other 2 cars then he was just a witness


unfortunately what he's facing is how the law works. just being there makes him accountable to a certain degree. if he is completely innocent and wasn't racing and instead George just simply took off then hopefully he will come out of this okay. However, IIRC he stated at the scene that he backed off the gas due to slipping tires on ice, thus he may have implicated himself to some extent. What was reported is "When asked about the race the driver told police that his car "started breaking loose, so (he) let off the gas," allowing Staton to speed past him." -----> Excellent example of why you never say anything when questioned. Even on a simple traffic ticket, I don't say much if anything without asking the cop for clarification as to why? Even then....nothing comes out of my mouth.


I hate to say it but most people in her situation would probably do the same thing if they were facing some serious shit.


Completely agree. I think only on TV do defendants ever totally not say shit about the other person and everyone goes home. Hell, even on TV that doesn't happen too often. Everyone rolls eventually when put in this position.


if a race ever happened she should be charged with the same shit if it is all true, she was contributing to an illegal act by video taping it plus the insurance fraud shit she pulled


It will be interesting to find out if there was a video tape brought into evidence.

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Who do I ask for my wasted tax dollars back?


(Serious question)


Good luck with that one. You'll never get an answer nor the truth by any means.



For Brandon, I wish him all the luck in the world. I pray they somehow show him some mercy and see he isn't the guilty one in all of this. Still a shitty situation all around for everyone. Leave it to the court system to dig at old scars.

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I hope Brandon comes out of this with min. damage to his life and I hope people see this and learn from it.


In all honesty I would not mind taking time off of work to go support him at a trial date. Anyone else be interested in this???

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