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John Glenn


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Yesterday on my way back from California, I had a layover in Denver.


I get in line to get on the plane and the guy in front of me is John Glenn. It was very cool to see him, total surprise. He was out at the Air Force Academy giving someone a medal.


Every guy on the plane saw him and we all turned into little kids wanting to be astronauts.

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thats cool. an old guy i used to work for (mowing his yard, helping with shit around the house) knew john glenn, dave thomas, and a couple other semi-famous/ohio-famous people. probably helped that he was into high ranking military/politics most of his life
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First American to orbit, not first in space.


Sorry, typing faster than thinking. Still, no small accomplishment and hardly something only Ohio worthy.


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I wouldn't call the first American to orbit Earth, semi-famous.




Someone just paid more than $6k for a luncheon with Mr. Glenn...congrats on spending a few minutes with him for free. Personally, I would love to meet the guy. I have always been a space/aviation nut, and I hold him in high regard...

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The only person I've been on a plane with is Zsa Zsa Gabor, haha! She was covered in crazy bold makeup and wild bright clothes. The staff were treating her like she was the queen or something.


Pic of her now and back when she was famous:


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Last time I flew, civilian, I sat next to Andy Dick.... he was the funniest drunk I have ever met.... lol He was hollering at girls and if they didnt respond he would call them whores and what not... then he was like I love you guys to all of military lol... cool guy, an ass... but stll pretty cool.
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