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junkies shit


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I used to get mad at someone I knew and told them that being drunk isn't an excuse for being a dumbass... I'm not callin names here, but rather just a comment... alcohol isn't an excuse for bad behavior... if it was a lot less of my friends would have gone to jail during their college years.

The question is, did you mean it? And if you did, stand by it. If you didn't, you can see that it could be interpreted as mildly offensive, and it never hurts to try to make things right...


i didnt know we were friends mj-lol

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kawi had the popcorn out at the beggining of this lol. And no i didnt mean it! I was drunk and typing on a computer. Not an excuse,but thats why i said what i said.

i can find the good threads in early stages...... its a gift.

pass the butter :popcorn:............. anyone else i brought extra

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dang man.... sounds like a weak assed apology to me... man up and take it off your site, or post an apology and a retraction. Yeah you were drunk but that doesn't take away the responsibility of what you chose to put out there for everyone, then let it continue and escalate on your site.... like MJ said own up and accept responsibility... or just remove yourself and your apparent dislike for Ohio Riders members, and let by gones be by gones....

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man up and take it off your site


Its YOUR site, its completely uncalled for... a "drunken slip". So why is it still on the website you can delete threads from?

FYI: I've been down to Cinci to ride with some OR members... I would have been up for riding with some junkies, but shit like this makes me rethink that. I don't want to be riding with some guys that have the mentality of high schoolers

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making me look like a f-n saint sam..btw this thread reminds me of the shit i said to you and vice versa.... but all seriousness i never did apologize for being a dickhead...i do say im sorry SAM, and i can relate to gixxie when he says he was drunk typing. i have short fuse, but in no means is any of that an excuse..so for the record sorry bro, and if i can get a few northerners to come south id love to ride/meet/chill with the infamous dtc :cheers: :cheers:

Edited by that dude
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making me look like a f-n saint sam..btw this thread reminds me of the shit i said to you and vice versa.... but all seriousness i never did apologize for being a dickhead...i do say im sorry SAM, and i can relate to gixxie when he says he was drunk typing. i have s hort fuse, but in no means is any of that an excuse..so for the record sorry bro, and if i can get a few northerners to come south id love to ride/meet/chill with the infamous dtc :cheers: :cheers:

Major props bro. Apology back at ya. Wanna go play slap and tickle now?

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