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I said i was sorry to the man. Thats what matters. I dont need to make everyone feel better.

that's fine and well.... I guess you can't hold yourself to your own standard... disappointing I must say, I figured you for a bigger man.... nuff said...

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my standard? At least i know who the asshats are. "Knowing is half the battle" GI Joe

Like I said man... I based my opinion on what i saw... you can think whatever you want about me but I never thought ill of you as a person, just of your actions... and you know that actions speak volumes more then mere words... I will maintain that you run a site that has certain standards just like this one, but you broke your own rules, and refused to follow thru with your own rules consequences.... I.E. removing or editing your post to reflect your apology.... I just think that's a bit hipocritical...

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Thats not rule #1.


1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.

3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.

4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.

5th RULE: One fight at a time.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.

7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.

8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.

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Rules?!?!?!?!?!? Are you for real? I run the site. the conflict happend here on this site and involved a member on this site. It has nothing to do with my site. I dont inforce rules. RULE#1 there are no rules.

ok so if I register for your site, go on there post a bunch of crap about you, threaten your house and family, etc.. etc.. I won't get banned or censored in any way?? or maybe I decide to come to one of your events and actually follow thru with some threat... nothing will happen to me??? hmmm interesting concept you have there.... I like your no rules rule... so theres no rule against me knocking one of you off your bike and taking it from you... cool new bike for me... thats purely assinine... you have the rules stated right there on your site (as previously posted) and yet you stand indignant... wow.. how shocked am I ?? not really... so therefore I can't see the point of arguing further... you have definetly given me a full reason to not want to associate with your group... the "president" refuses to hold himself to any standard... good day sir...

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Rules?!?!?!?!?!? Are you for real? I run the site. the conflict happend here on this site and involved a member on this site. It has nothing to do with my site. I dont inforce rules. RULE#1 there are no rules.

and you took it to your site... (as previously posted)

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ok so if I register for your site, go on there post a bunch of crap about you, threaten your house and family, etc.. etc.. I won't get banned or censored in any way?? or maybe I decide to come to one of your events and actually follow thru with some threat... nothing will happen to me??? hmmm interesting concept you have there.... I like your no rules rule... so theres no rule against me knocking one of you off your bike and taking it from you... cool new bike for me... thats purely assinine... you have the rules stated right there on your site (as previously posted) and yet you stand indignant... wow.. how shocked am I ?? not really... so therefore I can't see the point of arguing further... you have definetly given me a full reason to not want to associate with your group... the "president" refuses to hold himself to any standard... good day sir...

Yep feel free to come to our rides. If you did those things i would not ban the talk about it on the site. You are getting real life mixed up with the internet. Say whatever you want on the net because its just typing. do things in real life and it never plays out the same. Welcome to REAL LIFE. We dont want haters or anyone with negative feelings to ride with us anyway. There is too much gravel and animals to worry about petty internet talk.

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hey... all I've been saying this whole thread was that there should be some sort of actual apology, from both sides, not just words but ACTIONS... I've seen NOTHING to indicate this... Now I did see where Schmuck admitted to going over the line, didn't really apologise fully, but admitted he was wrong... now on the other side gixxie apologised in word but not deed... i.e. posting a retraction of what he previously posted.... you want to call it pot stirring, I want to see the hatchet buryed for good... not just some BS song and dance for everyone's approval... personally I haven't met any of the a-fault junkies, so I reserve judgement based solely on what I witness... and I haven't witnessed much in the way of personal responsiblity...

Just took me probably an hour to read this crap to the end

While it's definitely "smart a$$'ish"......Talk of burning a T-shirt & saying "F someone's family & placing a bounty for the first to find where they live & vandalize their property" are 2 VASTLY different things. It also lead to a far more serious comment/joke/threat about wiring headlights to gas tank & lord knows what else was said after that.

And let's not forget the whole HellaRider?? vs. Nick thing where he found where Nick works & was threatening to wait for him afterward. These are the kind of "internet" things that cross the personal safety line/boundaries.....Not burning a T shirt

If DTC had T-shirts........I assure you, drunk out of my mind or not......I wouldn't be putting a bounty on anyone for burning it :nono: Just make sure you paid me for it first ;)

As far as the Junkies......This is what makes me scratch my head.....They continuously post their stuff over here, then get all bent out of shape when they start getting flamed by the population.....Yet more & more of them seem to be migrating over here lately.

I've seen this movie before, and know how it ends.......So why keep doing the same thing over & over. I don't go where I know I'm not wanted.......So if you hate this place so bad Brandon, or feel like we don't like you guys...... Are you just a glutton for punishment, or what? If it's to the point you feel you need to threaten our members & their property.....Maybe it's not healthy for you to hang here anymore

Take it or leave it......FWIW

Edited by Fonzie
grammar error
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fonzie if you notice there are thousands of members on here. Only maybe 5 or 6 of you have problems with us. You all jump on and attack what you dont know. I have seen way more crap go down on this site,but I am still a member. I have a love for motorcycles and the people who ride them. I will not let the minority of you affect me. Ninja Nck and hellarider is another example of the way this always goes down. I was schoked after riding with Nick that things went the way they did. Even among you guys there is a division when some of you have to meet at BP and others have to meet at a shell. Its all about Drama and lamas for some of you.

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Yep feel free to come to our rides. If you did those things i would not ban the talk about it on the site. You are getting real life mixed up with the internet. Say whatever you want on the net because its just typing. do things in real life and it never plays out the same. Welcome to REAL LIFE. We dont want haters or anyone with negative feelings to ride with us anyway. There is too much gravel and animals to worry about petty internet talk.

you just don't get it... you drinking tonight too?? I wouldn't ride with you because of WHAT YOU DID ON THE INTERNET!! and if you can't man up to your OWN f-n rules on here what makes me think you would in real life? I don't just spout shit on here and think everything is cool... yeah I've lost my cool on here too... doesn't give me any right to though.. and I owned up to it... what you do on here does effect the "real world" opinion of you... I don't "hate" any of your group, and I wouldn't judge any of them without interacting with them... I'm judging you on our interaction... you can stand there and spout all kinds of things, but at the end of the day in the real world what really matters is how we conduct ourselves in EVERY aspect of our life, and I would say you conducted yourself poorly IN this aspect... which coincides with every other aspect.... sorry if that doesn't sit well with you... but, maybe it'll help you in ways if you decide to actually consider it genuinely...

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